Unfortunately, the youtubers Ryker Gamble and Alexey Lyakh died on July 3 when they met a group of friends in Shannon Falls Park, British Columbia. As reported by the Canadian network CBC both were involved in an accident while trying to rescue Megan Scraper Lyakh's sentimental partner himself. She also lost her life

According to witnesses, young people were swimming in a pool located on the surface of a waterfall. Scraper slipped and fell into the river from the spot. Then both youtubers were initiated to the stream to try to help the young woman. Unfortunately, they did not do it. The three were dragged by the current and fell through the waterfall 30 meters high.

After what happened, the local police organized an operation to locate the people involved, but they were not lucky. Two days later, the security forces found the three bodies. Relatives of the victims confirmed the deaths of Gmable and Lyakh, both 30, and Scraper, 29.

The two Youtubers were part of the High On Life Channel dedicated to travel videos and with half a million subscribers. On Instagram, they also have a significant share of followers, 1.1 million to be exact. His profile shows amazing photographs of all the places where members of the chain were, who decided to publish a video to remember their friends .

We lost three dear friends. There are no words that reflect the pain and devastation we are feeling right now. They lived every day giving the maximum of them, being positive and courageous, living the best life possible.

Gmable and Lyakh were not only known for their popular videos. In 2011 they crossed the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park in the United States. After discovering them, the authorities of that country sentenced to one week in prison and an economic fine, in addition to forbidding them to enter other parks in the United States.

High On Life opened a campaign to raise funds and allocated it to cover the final expenses related to the deceased. This has sparked criticism among the channel's subscribers, who believe that campaigners are taking advantage of the situation. At the time of writing, more than $ 5,000 out of a total of $ 50,000 has been collected. Another was also opened for the benefit of Alissa Hbadan, sentimental partner of Ryker Gamble. Up to now, he has raised nearly $ 15,000, exceeding the goal of $ 10,000