Fans of the teacher: went to fire Ezeiza, Argentina named to the "Nobel of Education" – 18/03/2019


He is nervous and moved, but he hides him with constant smiles and a thumbs up. He comes and goes to find where to wait for the corresponding waiting line. He wants to do all the papers quickly to be with his people, who it was to reject Ezeiza as sports glories traveling in search of the much-desired crown.

Full-bodied and round, Martín Salvetti is the teacher of the Temperley Technical School, which was selected among the 10 finalists of the Global Teacher Prize, the best teacher award in the worldwho is presenting for the fifth year in a row the Varkey Foundation, whose main ceremony will take place next Sunday in Dubai. The winner will receive a million dollars.

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Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

"It's very exciting for me, it's amazing to see how much affection I received at that moment, it's very motivating, incredible, it made me very sensitive", the adjectives follow in the mouth of Salvetti , visibly broken. "I am a humble person, from a neighborhood like Temperley, I never imagined that I was going through all this", illustrates the professor, who observes the infrastructure of the airport with astonishment. I have not left the country for 18 years, I do not remember anything, "he admits.

Between joy and words that do not come out, Salvetti looks like a boy who receives the gift with which he has dreamed so much. "I swear I'm pinching myself, I can not believe everything is true. I'm about to take a plane that looks like a building"It's still moving, it's crying, it's clearing up and even excuses." It is that the fact of sharing such an event with my family is a pride, "continues the vertical Martín, who arrived at the last instance in which 10,000 candidates from 179 countries competed.

Climb an escalator to queues of Migrations and a band baffles the professor, who opens his eyes wide. Did the people who accompanied him organized farewell with a version of the national anthem, who caused new tears, which resulted in an endless embrace with his children Juan (12 years old) and Agostina (15 years old) and his wife Analía. Someone who pbades out reaches out to a handkerchief. Salvetti, perplexed, looks around, as if he was looking for hidden cameras.

"I have an infinity of images in my head. The farewell boys from my school on Friday was for heart attack, in addition to the videos I got from other provincial schools, I do not know them … I get a love and a wave from all Argentineans, "describes this discreet teacher who came to this exclusive phase of the Global Teacher Prize, thanks to the creation, in 2001, of a school radio that the same students have prepared and which transmits during the 24 hours.

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"The project started in crisis and it has come to my mind – remember – how a way to motivate students to prevent them from leaving school"In these fateful days, 2 out of 10 people have left school." The radio helped them find the enthusiasm they needed and the sense of going to school. Since the launch of the radio, student attendance has increased by 15%", inflates the chest.

Guarantees Salvetti that he does not bring the jackpot, there will be no frustration, least a disappointment. "Sunday, I'll be the happiest guy in the world and I'm going to celebrate with who wins. I've already won when they've invited me to participate in the prize. My dream is to learn and experience the best educational experiences in the world to apply them in my community. If that does not happen, I will be disappointed. March 24, no matter who wins, we all win. It's a price for a teacher of the world ".

Thanks to a loan. Salvetti acknowledges that they lent him money to take his wife and children to Dubai.

Thanks to a loan. Salvetti acknowledges that they lent him money to take his wife and children to Dubai. "It would have been impossible for me."

Salvetti does not like to talk about money, let alone say how much he earns, but he admits that he did not have the money to buy tickets for his wife and his kids . You must calculate between 60,000 and 70,000 pesos per ticket to Dubai. "I embarked on a great effort, I did not really have that amount, but they lent it to meIt would have been impossible for me. It is important that people continue to trust others. "

Before taking the flight Emirates Airlines, which will be deposited in the most famous Emirate of the United Arab Emirates, Salvetti shared his feelings with Clarin. Broken, on the verge of tears, He mingled in countless hugs with his family, friends and colleagues. "Look what it is, it is priceless, I do not want to imagine what will happen if I become elected," he predicts, but he insists: "I do not want to participate in a sporting competition, I have already won, it is in plain sight of all"



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