FARC-Gentil Duarte confirmed that Apure conflict responds to faction clash of Iván Márquez and Jesús Santrich


The FARC-Gentil press release denounces the alliance with the Second Marquetalia

“We deeply regret the events presented in recent days in the border areas with our brother country Venezuela and we condemn the alliance that has generated this confrontation, in obedience to interests unrelated to the revolutionary character,” said alias Jonnier., the third leader of Gentil Duarte’s group, in a statement he read surrounded by two dozen armed men and women.

Although the video has 10 minutes of recording, in which it evokes the situation of war against the Colombian state, the most significant is that reveals the reason for the clashes with the FARC-Nueva Marquetalia, led by Iván Márquez and Jesús Santrich.

    A military vehicle destroyed during the war in Apure
A military vehicle destroyed during the war in Apure

On March 21, the attack on the alias Farley camp, belonging to the guerrilla wing alias Gentil Duarte, escalated until the death of eight members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), some of them in the continuation of the antipersonnel mines with which the FARC they planted a part of the territory that they control at the Venezuelan border.

A few days after the first attack, Nicolás Maduro ordered zero tolerances with the Colombian irregular armed groups, adding: “Let them go, out of Venezuela!”, “Let’s cleanse the country of these terrorists!”, Maduro said ensuring that “They are irregular armed groups. , disguised as guerrillas, but who serve the drug gangs of Iván Duque and Álvaro Uribe Vélez ”.

Venezuelan Marine Corps
Venezuelan Marine Corps

On the other hand, Chief Admiral Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, Strategic Operational Commander, said: “We have dismantled several camps for these irregular groups in Colombia; we seized a ton of narcotics and 26 mines identified being destroyed ”.

The national and municipal government has deployed a series of actions throughout the municipality of Páez to appear completely normal and the return of families who were forced to flee to the neighboring country before fearing that they would be victims of the attacks. bomb.

The FARC-Gentil

    Jonnier, third at the helm of the Gentil Duarte group
Jonnier, third at the helm of the Gentil Duarte group

The declaration, according to Jonnier, is in the name of the secretariat of the Central General Staff of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), stressing that “we have always sought bonds of friendship and good understanding in relations with the border towns. Our weapons or our forces are never used against a neighboring country ”.

Underlined that the Second Marquetalia were the negotiators and signatories of the (peace) agreements and delivered the revolutionary process of the FARC-EP, in an act of surrender and submission, and now they claim to proclaim themselves true revolutionaries when their actions towards those of us who remain in the armed resistance have been nothing but slander, deception and betrayal ”.

They wanted to clarify that the members of the Second Marquetalia “finance some Venezuelan government officials to do the dirty work which facilitates their interests, their personal appetites”.

“In an unfair and treacherous manner, the operations that have been deployed against the tenth front have been orchestrated since March 21, leaving clear evidence of the agreements between the Colombian army and the paramilitaries called Sinaloa or Border Command who carry out operations against the civilian population, displacing and murdering social leaders and peasants, but now called Second Marquetalia ”.

“We are consistent when we ratify that our weapons will never be used against a brotherly people and we are certain that this Bolivarian people will never be against us. They are our brothers in the Latin American struggle and in Grand Colombia ”.

Faced with violations of human rights, international humanitarian law such as extrajudicial executions, false positives, rape of women as war trophies, indiscriminate bombing, extortionate captures, looting, forced displacement and stigmatization, because who claims defend the people, but do the work of the enemy ”.

“We cannot remain silent or allow helpless people to be slaughtered. We are not the ones who launched these attacks. We knew the Machiavellian intentions, but we never thought they would act so blatantly. “

For this reason, he says that “we appeal to the right of self-defense, to guarantee the people their peace by showing that our weapons are at the service of the people and their defense, wherever the repression comes from.

He proposes the evaluation and the creation of a “high level commission charged with investigating the facts, for which we are ready to offer all the guarantees for the exercise of its work and to define the responsibilities for the crimes committed. against the defenseless population. “

The armed forces have been deployed to Apure
The armed forces have been deployed to Apure

But he also assures that he is ready to “clarify our responsibility and provide the evidence to demonstrate the alliance of the intellectual authors of these events who mourn the humble families of soldiers and peasants of the Bolivarian Republic”.

We ratify, says the declaration, that “ faced with the acts of treason and submission to which the Havana peace accords aimed, we have decided to honor our comrade Manuel Marulanda Vélez, Jacobo Arenas and thousands of men and women. women who offered their lives for the people and their dignity in their fight against imperialism and the Colombian oligarchy ”.

“We have not changed a comma or a title of our principles, our conferences or our statutes. We will continue the insurrectional struggle for Grand Colombia and the second and last independence of North American imperialism ”.

Addressing the “brotherly people of Venezuela, the Bolivarians, the Chavistas, those who resist the onslaught of imperialism”. He ended by paraphrasing the lyrics of a song, “It doesn’t matter where you were born or where you die, but where you fight”.


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