Farewell to paper: Teens use Google Docs to do homework, talk, copy and even bully


The trend to use Google Docs has grown among students around the world because they discovered in this platform, a form of communication that is efficient, fast, secret and even ecological.

As more and more laptops arrive in high schools and high schools, educators use Google Docs to do collaborative exercises and help students follow the lesson plan. Students use it however to organize conversations at the back of the teachers.

Teenagers use Google Docs to chat almost anytime when they can not use their phone, but they know their friends will be on their computer.

Sometimes they use the live chat function of the service, which does not open by default and that many teachers even ignore that it exists. Or they will take advantage of the fact that Google allows users to highlight certain phrases or words and comment them via a pop-up window on the right.: they will clone the shared Google document from a teacher, then they will talk in the comments, so that the casual viewer just seems to take notes on the lesson plan. If a teacher comes to take a closer look, you can click the Solve button and the entire hil will disappear.or

If the project is not collaborative, the children will only create a shared document on which they will discuss online. In what appears to be a paragraph of text, he documented the US portal with a group of young people L & # 39; Atlantic, located in Boston.

Rarely does any one save the notes the way previous generations could have saved, in paper notes.

Chat with Google Docs not only can you deceive teachers; can also deceive parents. When everyone starts a session to do their homework at night, Google Docs discussions take place. All groups of children will collaborate on a document while their parents think working on a school project.

Like a Reddit thread revealed in February, chat with Google Docs it's also a great way to bypbad the ban imposed on parents by social media.

Like the old paper notes, most discussions on Google Docs are mundane. WhatChildren use it to talk about the day's events at school, plan the end-of-year ball, gossip, flirt, but they have also become intimidating or intimidating.

In other cases, children create private and digital documents and invite others to contribute and leave behind the disturbed child, although the young people interviewed said that this type of use is rare. "People in general speak poorly of teachers or what happens in the day. It will be the most boring thing, but it's a good way to get a message out, "said one teenager.

Children who are not allowed to use Google Docs use similar software for collaborative learning. The online version of Microsoft Word, for example, has features similar to those of Google Docs and can be operated in the same way.

The Google Docs chat can be the best communication tool for college and high school students, most teens drop out once they enter college. Skye, a 20-year-old from Boston, said thinking about Google Docs made her nostalgic. "Chatting in Google Docs reminds us a lot when we were younger," he said. And paper notes? "I have not given a physical note to anyone since the fifth year," he said.

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