Farewell to plastic sorbets: the Buenos Aires city government limits its use


For a drink, a smoothie or an outdoor drink, it was thought that sorbet was the ideal tool, but from the moment this part was rejected, the rejection of this element began to increase. There are even campaigns via social networks in which the authorities are invited to prohibit their use.

In this context, the Ministry of the Environment and Public Space of the city, by Environmental Protection Agency, signed a resolution to prohibit, gradually, the use of sorbets. This measure stems from the integrated solid waste management law No. 1.854 (consolidated text in accordance with Law No. 6.017). The standard will be published this Wednesday, May 22 at Official newspaperas he might know PROFILE.

As of the coming into force of this resolution no disposable plastic sorbet can be offered or placed in the customer's view. Then, within six months, the use, delivery and sale of disposable plastic sorbets will be prohibited.

Ecological groups campaign against the use of sorbets

The city of Buenos Aires is the last one in our country to join this sustainable trend. In this way, the federal capital follows in the footsteps of Pinamar, Villa Gesell, Mar del Plata, Mar Chiquita, Mendoza and Ushuaia, where the use of sorbets is already limited.

The measure reaches:

  • 4 and 5 star hotels.
  • Shopping, shopping malls and outdoor shopping centers.
  • Premises that have a contest of more than three hundred people per event.
  • Establishments owned by commercial chains (more than five establishments identified under the same commercial brand, regardless of their individual branch or franchise status).
  • Dance halls and shops where they serve and / or sell sweets, food and / or drinks.
  • Stores that sell and / or divide food products.
  • Stores that produce and / or sell food products for immediate sale.
  • The stores where they serve or sell meals, stores for the sale of packaged treats.
  • Dance halls

The debate on reducing plastic consumption takes years on the agenda. The coup d'envoi was held in January 2017, when Resolution 341/16 of the Environmental Protection Agency came into force, banning the delivery of lightweight plastic bags in supermarkets, hypermarkets and restaurants. 39; consumption. It was a measure challenged by the plastics industry and even by some of the consumers, but this more than two years after its implementation has already been taken over by the population.

"We hope something similar to what happened with the cessation of the delivery of the bags will occur, that the neighbors took as something natural. This change is very simple and will be progressive. This is a step towards a greener and more sustainable city, "said Eduardo Macchiavelli, Minister of Environment and Public Spaces, after signing the resolution.

62% of plastics production is for packaging and disposable products. Once disintegrated, these products generate particles ingested by aquatic fauna. According to sources from the Government of Buenos Aires, fish from the coastal areas of the Silver River, such as surubi, sábalo, patí, pejerrey and carp they contain tiny particles of synthetic material in their digestive tract.

According to Greenpeace figures, each year, up to 12 million tons of plastics enter the oceans. Between 40 and 60% of turtles ingest plastic, this percentage reaching 93 in some species of birds.

They warn that plastic pollution on beaches is high

In Argentina there is the countryside #MejorsinSorbete which promotes the ban of this element at the national level. Advocates of this initiative strive to promote other less harmful materials for the environment, such as stainless steel, paper, bamboo cane or glbad. There are also similar claims on Hagamos Eco platforms, created by the Greenpeace organization, or on Change.org.

In an interview with the City ChannelAgustina Blanco, partner of the MejorsinSorbete campaign, said: "The idea is not to stop using sherbet, but to educate people. It must be understood that it is not that the store wants to save money, but that this element, which is not used either, is harmful ".

They find an "island" of plastic garbage twice as big as France

The plastic sorbet in numbers:



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