Farmer found WWII tank missing for 74 years | the Chronicle


British farmer found WWII tank hidden for 70 years and thirty feet underground. This is a Buffalo LVT-4 model which went missing while serving the town of Crowland, Lincolnshire, England during the 1947 floods.

At that time, 16 tanks came to the city to help build a temporary dam to stop the flooding, in the midst of the action five of them were washed away.

The farmer named Daniel Abbott, 41, has spent the past three years exploring the area and scanning the records for the location of some of these vehicles, He did this until he managed to find one.

The vehicle weighs 18 tonnes (Screenshot).

The rescue operation lasted for five days, it is estimated that 4500 tons of clay were removed, about 50 people passionate about military technology participated. “I couldn’t believe it. It was very emotional. I was nervous all day. This has been a big part of my life.”said the abbot at the LincolnShire Center.

The tank weighed 18 tons, was thirty feet deep, and was covered with a large layer of clay. It had to be removed by two other vehicles, once outside, the specialists found that it was in good condition.

The destination of the machines is not yet confirmed, for the moment they will perform the corresponding cleaning tasks. The farmer will continue his search to find the rest of the lost units.


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