Father cries for consolation as he holds the coffin of his baby, killed by his mother


The image shocked British society. The father of an eight week old boy carried in his arms the coffin of his son, who had been killed by his own mother. The dramatic situation occurred in Northern Ireland and had a huge impact on social media.

The coffin of Liam O’Keefe He was taken by his father, who bears the same name, to the Roselawn Crematorium on the outskirts of town.

The boy died after being stabbed by his mother at a home in Brompton Park in the Ardoyne area. During the attack, the woman attempted to kill her other two-year-old daughter, who was seriously injured and is hospitalized in critical condition.

The murderer Raluca Tagani, with her eldest daughter, who is hospitalized in serious condition.

The murderer Raluca Tagani, with her eldest daughter, who is hospitalized in serious condition.

Liam’s mother, Raluca Ioana TaganiThe 29-year-old appeared in court for murder and attempted murder last week and was taken into custody before a new hearing later this month.

Tagani showed no emotion while nodding and answering “yes” through an interpreter if he understood the charges against him, according to BelfastLive.

Liam’s stepsister described her family’s grief after saying her brother had been stabbed “on several occasions”.

Liam O'Keefe, the baby killed by his mother, and his older sister, seriously injured.

Liam O’Keefe, the baby killed by his mother, and his older sister, seriously injured.

“They were supposed to have the baby baptized soon – and now it will be a funeral,” he told The Sun from his home in Wolverhampton, England. “He was only eight weeks old, so I couldn’t meet him.”

He added that his father “is absolutely devastated”. “Liam was a beautiful baby. I can’t understand it. We are all devastated “, He said.

“The police and the ambulance came to see him. My father is a great man and never shows his feelings. To see him like that was horrible,” he said, according to the British newspaper Mirror.

The homicide, which occurred Tuesday evening, was reported by residents of the neighborhood who, hearing the cries of children, called the police to warn. When police and paramedics arrived at the scene, they found the minors with stab wounds and verified the baby was dead.

Police at the home of the tragedy in Northern Ireland.

Police at the home of the tragedy in Northern Ireland.

A community fundraiser launched to help the family cover funeral costs raised almost £ 4,000. The GoFundMe page says, “The Ardoyne community wants to come together to support the baby’s family Liam O’Keefe who lost his life this week in a tragedy. Fundraising efforts will help fund his funeral. “

O’Keefe was in England when the attack occurred and returned to Northern Ireland after hearing the news.

Liam O'Keefe Sr. with his children, before the tragedy.

Liam O’Keefe Sr. with his children, before the tragedy.

Según informa el Belfast Telegraph, el padre dijo a los vecinos en una vigilia frente a la dirección que estaba “verdaderamente desconsolado” por la tragedia, diciendo: “A todos los vecinos ya toda la comunidad por toda su ayuda y apoyo, realmente lo aprecio all”.


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