Father’s Day: Online gift sales increase, with average ticket over $ 5,000


Some of the best-selling items online include razors, wines, headphones, thermos, coffee pods, pressure washers and hard drives.  EFE / Archives
Some of the best-selling items online include razors, wines, headphones, thermos, coffee pods, pressure washers and hard drives. EFE / Archives

Father’s Day sales, which will be celebrated for the second year under the restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic, see a sharp increase from the online channel with a record of transactions so far in June, on the basis of various surveys of companies in the sector.

On a base of more than 5,000 users, between SMEs and entrepreneurs, Contabilium – an online invoicing and management system for entrepreneurs, SMEs and professionals – revealed that the average online sales ticket for this Father’s Day is $ 5,225 and reflects 45% growth over last year.

If we consider companies that sell through online and physical (local to street) channels, the average ticket has increased by 82% and this year so far it is 7,967 pesos.

In this context, the CEO of Contabilium, Leandro Halfon, I affirm that “Compared to 2020, Father’s Day week, we saw a 59.5% growth in the number of invoices issued for sales on online channels.”.

“If you consider companies that market their products through digital channels and have stores across the street, the growth is even greater since there is a 78.7% increase in the number of invoices issued,” he said. he declared.

Some of the best-selling items online include razors, wines, headphones, thermos, coffee capsules, pressure washers and hard drives (Halfon)

“Among the most requested categories for this Father’s Day are personal care, electronics, computers, wines and tools. Some of the best-selling items online include razors, wines, headphones, thermos, coffee pods, pressure washers and hard drives, ”added Halfon.

If we consider companies that sell through online and physical (local to street) channels, the average ticket has increased by 82% and this year so far it is 7,967 pesos.

In another order, according to a study based on more than 40,000 stores in Argentina, the Trendenube e-commerce platform reported that during the first days of the current week, online sales growth was detected, reaching the record of transactions for the current month. .

In the past 15 days, more than 1.6 million products have already been sold online through Tianube. The highest peaks in sales occurred on Mondays – June 7 and 14 – with more than 38,000 transactions in just 24 hours, an increase of over 30% from a traditional Monday the previous month.

According to the survey, the average bill is around $ 5,800 and consumers have opted more for payment by credit card, with a choice of 3, 6 and 12 interest-free payments.

According to the Tienda Nube e-commerce platform, the highest sales spikes occurred on Mondays - June 7 and 14 - with more than 38,000 transactions in just 24 hours.
According to the Tienda Nube e-commerce platform, the highest sales spikes occurred on Mondays – June 7 and 14 – with more than 38,000 transactions in just 24 hours.

Over 35% of sales in the last 15 days were made with a discount, promotion or free shipping; while the best-selling products are items related to games, sportswear, and breakfast or snack vouchers.

For its part, the payment processing platform PayU specified that “record sales are estimated thanks to e-commerce in ArgentinaAnd estimated for this weekend that sales values ​​will be around $ 3.6 million.

In 2019, for that same weekend, PayU processed $ 900,000 in sales made through its payment system; In 2020, with the arrival of Covid-19 and stores closed to the public, sales of businesses associated with PayU reached 2 million USD (+ 122%) and for this weekend it is estimated that the values ​​will be around 3, $ 6 million.

These projections focus on the promotions and offers offered by the following articles: in the fashion category, sales are estimated to reach $ 1.5 million, with a 42% share; In the section of technologies such as smart phones and laptops, consumption is estimated to be between $ 720,000 and $ 500,000, with 20% and 14% stake, respectively.

Finally, Pablo Lima, South Cone sales manager of VU Security, a cybersecurity company, recommended that in order to avoid scams in virtual shopping, it is important to buy through official sites or online stores of recognized commercial companies; beware of too low prices; and check the possibility of return, because the existence of this policy is a sign of confidence.

He also advised “to make the purchase over a secure connection and to try to avoid public Wi-Fi networks and open connections to bars or restaurants; avoid buying through links that arrive by SMS, social networks, WhatsApp or by mail; and avoid giving your full credit card details to strangers ”.


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