Faurie on the events in the region: "There are almost generated methods to generate violence"


Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie said today that there were "destabilizing attempts" in the protests that have claimed the lives of Chile and Ecuador, and warned that the government was "deadly". very attentive "to what could happen in Argentina after the riots in front of the consulate of Chile. .

"There is something that has to do with the reality and the concerns of the Chileans and Ecuadorians, but what Senator (Miguel) Pichetto pointed out is without doubt a justification, because, as the images show, there is coordinated action by highly organized people, with almost traced methods that generate situations of extreme violence and seek institutional chaos that destabilizes political processes in our region, "said the Chancellor in statements to La Red radio and TN.

The privileged partner of President Mauricio Macri stressed that "what happens" in the trans-Andean country is motivated by "something very small", but that "it nevertheless resulted in serious disorders".

Worry in Argentina

Faurie said that "we must be attentive", even if "in Argentina we live a phase of electoral campaign and the spirit of the political forces is concentrated during the elections of Sunday".

At the same time, the official analyzed that "beyond yesterday's incident, in front of the Chilean consulate in Buenos Aires, we are organizing these constant protests on July 9", although this differs from "what happened yesterday, which had performance characteristics, and in particular the reprehensible violence against journalists".

"It was amazing to see how a very young boy and a very young girl threw themselves on a person who was working, even if it did not match the profile of this media and gave him a criminal kick, it was was very cruel and this has technique of confrontation with the media and the authorities, what these anarchic groups report, and this same picture that we saw through a correspondent of a chain in Buenos Aires, who left Quito where he showed flying kicks against journalists, and we saw him in Chile, "he said.

According to Faurie, "there is a manual that somebody to do this.They left the crowd, went to attack.We saw these demonstrations being repeated very often in Quito and Santiago, Chile, and the the truth is that the damage and destruction that is caused do not have to do with the possible solutions to the problems that arise ".

He added that the claims – contrary to the adjustment – "are reasonable, such as the price of fuel or transportation, or the claims of long-standing Chilean students for university credits or the cost of it." "Access to housing", but He questioned "the destructive eagerness associated with lawless demonstrations, and we must all be warned and look for the causes that prevent such situations", a- he recommended.

He also said he heard "statements by (Nicolás) Maduro and Diosdado (President of the National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela)) Cabello." The truth is that we must be vigilant because we defend freedom here. That does not exist in Venezuela, "he said.

Cabello warned the United States that "we will become a thousand and one Vietnam."

Faurie added that "they want this to continue and we must, especially by our vote, determine whether we want to live in freedom or not."

"And about this" brisita "that they call it, it clearly intends to intervene in the political, institutional and social life of our countries, as well as in the country. he was threatening us with a Bolivian hurricane that brings hunger, poverty, dictatorship, lack of freedom, prison, "enumerated.

In particular, the Foreign Minister said that in Chile "they generate destabilizing attempts, as was the case of (President of Ecuador) Lenin Moreno, who was treated very pejoratively by the madurismo ".

"In the case of President (Sebastián) Piñera, it is a president legitimately elected by a clear majority – the Chileans have always had a trajectory of institutional respect – and what they want, it is to generate through images anarchy, as if most were against. "

"Chile will have to discuss socially the most pressing issues for Chilean society, but this should not lead to the anarchy that some want to generate, and of course to the madurismo that is interested in showing that this anarchy is not just the one she lives, by their own work, but they want to replicate it in other countries in the region, "said Faurie.


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