FBI Discovered Contact Between Capitol Thieves And Person Close To Donald Trump


Supporters of Donald Trump during the assault on Capitol Hill on January 6 (Europa Press)
Supporters of Donald Trump during the assault on Capitol Hill on January 6 (Europa Press)

A member of the far-right group Proud Boys was in contact with someone linked to the Donald Trump administration in the days leading up to the Jan.6 assault on Capitol Hill, as determined by the FBI and revealed this Saturday The New York Times.

The New York newspaper, which cites police sources, points out that the authorities used telephone recordings to locate a call between the member of the extremist organization and someone close to the then president.

The information does not reveal the names of the parties or the content of the conversation, which is part of the FBI’s investigation into contact between far-right individuals and organizations that participated in the attack on Capitol Hill and members of the former administration and conservative lawmakers.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, confirmed to the newspaper that telefoneó to Roger Stone, a close Trump aide, as he took part in a protest at the residence of Republican Senator Marco Rubio days before the assault on the Legislative Assembly seat, but the appeal which is the subject of a investigation is different, according to police sources.

Tarrio was arrested on January 4 for destroying a Black Lives Matter banner. (Black Lives Matter) placed in a historic African-American church, so he did not participate in the Capitol events.

However, more than a dozen members of the Proud Boys have been accused of the attack and the group is believed to be largely behind the organization of the protests that ended in violence at congressional headquarters after Trump encouraged his supporters to reject the November election result and oppose certification of the victory for Joe Biden.

The man who broke into the Capitol in Washington disguised as a buffalo, with a horned hat and no shirt (EFE / JIM LO SCALZO / File)
The man who broke into the Capitol in Washington disguised as a buffalo, with a horned hat and no shirt (EFE / JIM LO SCALZO / File)

In the days leading up to the assault, several of the protesters were in contact with Republican lawmakers, according to telephone records obtained by the authorities.

Telephone data, on the other hand, they do not show communication with each other during the assault, according to the source cited by The New York Times.

This week, FBI arrested Trump administration official for attack on Capitol Hill, the first person directly linked to the previous government to be arrested for these events.

It is Federico klein, a 42-year-old man who, during the Trump administration, worked in the State Department as a political appointment, although as of yet the crimes he is accused of are unknown.

Specifically, the detainee was first assigned to the Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs, more specifically to the department in charge of Brazil and the Southern Cone, then transferred to the office that handles federal information access requests, known as FOIA.

Klein, who was arrested in Virginia, previously worked for Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 as an analyst. Before entering politics alongside Trump, Klein served in the Marine Corps in Iraq.

In the assault five people died, four Trump supporters and a police officer. Two other police officers who took part in the operation during the attack committed suicide in the following days.

Trump was subjected to a second “impeachment” in Congress following the assault, charged with the crime of “incitement to insurgency”, he was acquitted of the indictment with 56 votes against and 44 for, a conviction requiring a two-thirds majority.

(With information from EFE)


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