FBI investigates disappearance of American family on Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo highway


Since last March, some 57 people have disappeared from the road (Photo: Twitter)
Since last March, some 57 people have disappeared from the road (Photo: Twitter)

In recent weeks, the press has reported on the increase in disappearances and assaults on the country’s highways, especially in the Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo Highway, in the North-East region.

Such is the degree of insecurity that the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBIbased in San Antonio, already look for an original family from Laredo, Texas, who disappeared while driving on the said road, after visiting relatives in the state of New Lion.

This was reported this Saturday morning by a post in their social networks. They detailed that Gladys Perez Sanchez, 39 years old and his two children, aged 16 and 9, were last seen June 13, after having been in the town of Sabinas Hidalgo.

The family was traveling on the road in a vehicle 2014 Chevrolet Sonic, yellow, with NBX-4740 license plates.

(Screen capture: Twitter)
(Screen capture: Twitter)

The FBI made available the phone 210-225-6741 in San Antonio to receive any information leading to the location.

Since June 15, the Special Immediate Search Group (GEBI) of the Attorney General’s Office of Nuevo León, issued a report requesting the citizen collaboration, due to the disappearance of the mother and her two children, without any information on their fate to date.

Following the FBI publication this afternoon, the Tamaulipas district attorney’s office followed suit and through a statement they announced that The corresponding research files have already been launched.

“It is important to stress that, in the context of the reported events, the victims lost contact with their families on certain sections of the road in both directions”

(Photo: Tamaulipas Prosecutor's Office)
(Photo: Tamaulipas Prosecutor’s Office)

They also indicated that state and federal authorities enhanced security on the Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo highway.

According to organizations such as United Forces for our Disappeared in Nuevo León (Fundenl), in this area some 57 people have disappeared since last March.

In this sense, on June 23, the governor of Nuevo León, Jaime Rodriguez Calderón “El Bronco” issued a travel alert In the region. At a press conference warned to the neolese population avoid travel that are not needed for this route.

“Suggest to the population of Nuevo León to avoid, if it is not urgent that they come back (via Nuevo Laredo), to wait […] Our idea is to take care of our people and in this case it is a suggestion that we are avoiding at this time, until we see that all is calm “

(Foto: Twitter / JaimeRdzNL)
(Foto: Twitter / JaimeRdzNL)

He indicated that the cause is drug trafficking: “What’s going on over there? Well, you know, it’s all about fighting between the cartels.”

However, for those who have to go to the neighboring entity, he specifies that with operative together with the National Guard and with him army, all roads will be secured. He even said that the governor’s security forces Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca they are already taking control of the situation.

“First, they will find out that our Secretary of Security, Public Security, will be on the lookout; We will ensure the safety of all the highways for both Laredo and Reynosa, there are already joint operations with the National Guard, with the army ”

A few days earlier, the United States Department of State updated her aannual travel list for US citizens who wish to visit Mexico where the risk has been highlighted in 16 entities: Colima, Guerrero, Michoacán, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Jalisco, State of Mexico, Morelos, Sonora, Zacatecas, Mexico, Nuevo León and Puebla.


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