Federalism, Lula and the United States | The definitions of …


"We have to articulate a society where the state guarantees the possibility of progress, if we do not solve this, we are cooked like a country," said Alberto Fernandez, a flamboyant presidential candidate and vice-presidential candidate, yesterday. Presidency of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Fernandez also said that he respected "the decision of the Brazilians to have elected (Jair) Bolsonaro to the presidency, but I will continue to demand the release of Lula", a prisoner for crimes that do not Were not proven during the trial. .

"I want to continue to be an ordinary man.If I stop being an ordinary man, I will stop being close to the people and know his needs," said Fernandez, recalling one of the Assumptions of the former President Néstor Kirchner as soon as he came to power in 2003. The Cabinet continued to bomb the ideology that makes the presidential bid the presidential party for the opposition front, built to from the Peronist group, in order to fight and defeat Cambiemos. Regarding his vice presidential candidate, he said: "Until last week, it was the guy who had influenced Cristina and who was able to disguise him in good and now he it turns out I'm his puppet, I'm neither one nor the other. "

"Argentina declares federalism but functions as a unitary country.The great reform is to make federalism work.This is not a speech, it is a necessity.We need federalism to function, "Fernandez said. "Let's start promoting the agreements, not the differences," added the Peronist leader of Buenos Aires, stressing the need to articulate different spaces to get out of the crisis generated by the government of Mauricio Macri.

At the international level, Fernandez stressed that "Argentina is out of the world and we need to integrate it again". With this in mind, he badured that "the United States is a power and we must find a mechanism of coexistence in which we all respect ourselves, we can enter globalization intelligently and ask to be respected".

He also pointed out the situation in Brazil: "If the Brazilians have chosen Bolsonaro, I have nothing to do I will respect the election of the Brazilians, but I will continue to claim the freedom of Lula", former president of the party Trained workers, the means that world power has found to attack the rulers who ruled in Latin America with a popular and integrationist vision of the region. "Let's start building another story for Latin America – I've always thought it was a territory that needed to be integrated and not disintegrated," he said.

"The crisis generated by Macri is of incalculable magnitude and what it continues to do only deepens the crisis," said Fernandez, badyzing the country's economic and social situation in the context adjustment policies. "The fact that he spends money from the Monetary Fund to continue saving money shows the extent of Macrist 's unconsciousness," he said. , adding that "we should all be concerned about what Macri is doing here in December, after December we know what we need to do, we will not do crazy things.

He also reviewed the possible consequences of the economic situation by stressing that "with the (International Monetary Fund), the bargaining capacity is minimal.We will have to find a way to solve this problem. to pay but we can not do it with a paralyzed country, this has to be explained to everyone. "

Among other topics, Fernandez also discussed with the AM750 the official news agency. "What this government did with Telam is a disaster," he said. He sent a hopeful message to the agency workers: "Do not worry, in a few months, Telam will become Telam again." We will be holding at the agency. "


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