Federica Pais, about the detention of his son: I am very bad, I do not understand anything


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Dante, son of Federica Pais and Octavio Laje, son of diplomat.

Dante, son of Federica Pais and Octavio Laje, son of diplomat.

The arrests took place on Sunday when police received an alert about a theft of motorcycles in Olivos and, arriving at the corner of San Lorenzo and José María Paz, he intercepted two suspects whose appearance coincided with the description provided by the victim.

"We do not know too much until I testify in the pursuit", Pais added.

Casermeiro and Laje were driving a motorcycle and had two replicas of pistols – including one with compressed air – mobile phones, a homemade hammer and a blister with pills.

Laje would be the son of a diplomat who served as economist and chef when Martín Lousteau He was ambbadador to the United States.


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