Federico, the "rebel" prince who will be king of Denmark and who is a friend of Larreta


Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark Credit: Steen Evald

In Denmark, kings do not choose their name. They do not have options. At least not many. They are only two: they can be called Cristian or they can be called Federico. But they can not choose one and the other. They are prisoners of alternation. This is true since 1513. That's why when the queen


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she became pregnant she had no other choice: it was in 1968 and she had to call her son Federico. He did it.

However, unlike her mother, this baby did not always follow the rules while growing up. Federico, who is in Argentina as part of the
entourage of
queen, was the rebellious eldest son of
Danish crown, which will make him the next monarch of Denmark.

Raised by governesses and governesses, during the first years of his education, he had professors who went to his home, to the palace. His parents, Margarita and Enrique, saw them very little and he had to be impeccable, as if he had just washed. Then he entered Krebs School, an elite institution typical of his clbad. When he finished high school, he realized what his fate was and he became upset. I was afraid of not being able to live what boys must live at age 18, according to what was revealed last year in a documentary, at the end of a half-century.

Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark
Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark Credit: Steen Evald

He became a fan of rock, sports, racing cars, motorcycles, speed. He earned the nickname "Turbo Prince" because he was already arrested while driving too fast. He had a lot of love. He had relationships with actresses, models, singers. None approved by his mother.

He studied economics and law at the University of Copenhagen and in the early 1990s he continued his studies at Harvard (USA), where he became friends with the chief of staff from the city of Buenos Aires.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

This friendship continues to this day. Last year, when Federico – sports fan and member of the International Olympic Committee – came to Buenos Aires for the

Youth Olympic Games,

was reunited with the general manager of the agents of Buenos Aires and they went together in the field of the races. It is expected that during this visit, they will also have projects outside the official program.

Your family life

Federico did not feel ready for the throne until when she was married to Mary Donaldson. Mary Donaldson was born in Tasmania, Australia, but it is in Sydney where they met. The prince had traveled there for the 2000 Olympics and had gone through a night of drinking. She did not know who he was, she counted years later.

They were engaged for four years, many of them fighting for the support of Margarita II to his love. She left her job as a lawyer and her home country. They finally married in May 2004 at the Cathedral of Our Lady in Copenhagen. The following year, they had their first child, who could not call Cristian. Then Isabel (2007) and the twins Vicente and Josefina (2011) are born.

The royal family: the heir Prince Federico, Princess Mary and their children, Cristian, Vicente, Isabela and Josefina.
The royal family: the heir Prince Federico, Princess Mary and their children, Cristian, Vicente, Isabela and Josefina. Credit: Franne Voigt

As a father, Federico maintained a certain rebellion. He decided that his children would not lead the life in which they had led him. For this reason, he sent them to the crèche in a public school, took them out of the higher clbad and brought them closer to the world.

"As parents, we want to give our children a solid foundation that gives them the strength to be themselves," said Mary when it was announced that Christian would be the first Crown Prince to attend a public school . Federico, for his part, confessed: "I did not have many relationships with my parents until the age of 21. It is impossible for our children to be raised this way."

Although her decisions may be interpreted as reproaching her mother, the Queen is always happy to be at her side. Last month, he provided five Argentinean media outlets, including
THE NATION"It's very nice to travel with my eldest son because it's two pairs of feet, hands and eyes, and that I do not have to do everything alone, it's fine to have the younger generation with me, even though I was 50 years old last year, It's so young, is not it? "This is the first visit of ############################################################################ 39 State Margarita does with her heiress on her first trip to this level after the death of her husband, Enrique.

The Crown Prince with the Queen in Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Crown Prince with the Queen in Buenos Aires, Argentina Credit: Instagram

Prince's program in Argentina

Tuesday March 19th

10. Argentina-Denmark Business Seminar at the CCK

16. Visit a football project at Club Atlético Boca Juniors

19.30. Gala Dinner at Alvear Palace

Wednesday March 20th

9:30. Inauguration of a wind farm in Bahía Blanca

10. Trip to Tandil with the Queen for activities with the Danish community


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