Feinmann came out with an unfortunate message to attack Cristina Kirchner


The journalist Eduardo Feinmann attack Cristina Kirchner brutally only two months after the October general election that the President of the Nation will decide.

The journalist used his social networks and again pointed against the vice-presidential candidate of Frente de Todos.

The driver from America reacted to the announcement of the Federal House's cancellation of prosecutions in the case of charges related to the burial of Sarmiento.


Vila has been keeping up with Feinmann and has broken Macri after STEP

And he came out with a hard sentence for the candidate. "The only thing I hope is that justice is done and take the head of the group in prison !!!", launched before the head of the new.

All I hope is that justice is done and take the lead of the group in jail! https://t.co/29GydAkfGN

– Eduardo Feinmann (@edufeiok) August 21, 2019


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