Feinmann used the photo of the man who upset Cristina to send an ironic message to the senator


The driver sent an ironic message of bad taste against the former president in the middle of her grief.

April 21, 2019

In mourning for the death of her mother, Ofelia Wilhelm, and preparing her trip to Cuba to visit her daughter Florencia, former president Cristina Kirchner was photographed by a businessman related to the government and to dictatorship and driver Eduardo Feinmann He used this image to attack the senator.

On his Twitter account, the former panelist published the picture and writes in an ironic tone of bad taste: "On a trip to Cuba, I extend my deepest sympathy for the loss of his beloved mother. @CFKArgentina"

Later, it was revealed that the photo was taken by businessman David Lacroze Ayerza, current coordinator of the Bureau of Livestock and Meat and former head of the National Cereals Council during the last dictatorship military civic.

How did Feinmann come to this picture? it's something that the ultra-maid driver has not clarified. On his Twitter side, political and social leader Juan Grabois said: "Yesterday, Bullrich said that he was following all CFK movements.A few hours later, this coward was approaching from a short distance, was taking a photo and sent him to write pro. Macri, you are responsible for the safety of the future president. "

To integrate

Yesterday, Bullrich claimed that he follows all movements of CFK. A few hours later, this coward approaches a short distance, takes a picture and sends it to a pro scribe. Macri, you are responsible for the security of the future president. pic.twitter.com/ofx8KxDEUN

– Juan Grabois (@JuanGrabois) April 21, 2019


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