Felipe Solá: "I'm used to the idea of ​​being Chancellor"


When there will still be 40 days left before the next government takes over, rumors about who will take up the post Cabinet of Ministers They do not stop And everything seems to indicate that the guns are pointing to the former governor of the province of Buenos Aires Felipe Solá to be the next Chancellor Or rather, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, as the official name of the post.

Own Sole He mentioned the subject in an interview with the program The awake gazewhich is issued by AM Continental and readers Nelson Castro. Before the concrete question of whether or not it will be chancellor, slipped: "The subject is not yet announced. I can not confirm it until the president has said it. I'm getting used to the idea little by little. It's a daunting challenge if this happens. At this point, the country worries me more than where I need to be. "

On the other hand, Sola confirmed that he was going to Mexico tonight with the President-designate, Alberto Fernandez. "We have four activities: meeting with the president (Andrés Manuel) López Obrador; Another is a dinner with five major Mexican economic groups, who will be the chief of staff of the president, who is also a great businessman. on the other hand, there will be a meeting with the entrepreneur Carlos Slimwho wanted to see the elected president; and the fourth activity is a thesis at UNAM, "said Solá.

Before the consultation on relations with Brazil, after the criticism of Jair Bolsonaro In Fernández and the homophobic tweet of the son of the Brazilian president attacking the son of Alberto, Solá replied: "We will try every means to establish an absolutely normal relationship and if possible very close. is very close to us all. And we are also for millions of Brazilians ".

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However, he whipped the current Chancellor, Jorge Faurie, for not having reacted more quickly to the attacks on the elected president and his family: "I think it is a question of the state and the first reaction of Chancellor Faurie was regrettable. Because he refused the problem, because it was not a protocol problem, it was a crime for a future head of state. He then filed a formal complaint, but the first reactions were regrettable.".

Punctually, on the words of the Bolsonaro, Felipe Solá condemned: "Homophobia and racism are personal and ideological differences that we do not see in a president or the son of a president.".

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On his vision of Venezuela, the former provincial president said: "We believe that advanced and controlled elections must be organized by all South American countries or by all who agree to follow what This is what the future government thinks. "He also felt that" the solution should not be military at all "and" we must promote negotiations with Maduro ".

As for the world's leading power, he stressed: "It is essential for our government and for Argentina to maintain a very good relationship with the United States.".



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