Felipe Solá will receive the Cuban ambassador to talk about the crisis on the island


The Minister of Foreign Affairs Felipe Solá will receive this Monday afternoon the Cuban Ambassador to Argentina, Pedro Pablo Prada. Official sources said the Cuban diplomat asked the minister for an interview to give him firsthand the Cuban government’s version of the huge protests which took place on Sunday in different cities.

The marches were of unprecedented scale and dispersion and were followed by a violent repression by Cuban security forces, according to activists from the island on social media.

On Sunday evening, Solá said that in the government of Alberto Fernández had not taken a position on the situation. This Monday, before her meeting with Prada, Solá plans to meet with the Argentine ambassador in Havana, Luis Ilarregui, who is a political leader who admires the revolution of Fidel Castro, and who came to this post promoted by Vice President Cristina Kirchner.

The President of the Senate maintains emotional and political ties with the island, where he was treated his daughter Florence your health problems. Despite this, the government has so far warned of the Cuban crisis, a difficult issue due to the nuances of the government coalition where what Cristina thinks is decisive.

“We don’t have a position taken yet. Our position is to know the facts up close and on the other hand to address the issue of human rights for which we do not have a different cane depending on the sympathy with one country or another“Solá told C5N on Sunday.

Sources close to the foreign minister said they “did not want to feel rushed” to comment on Cuba. And as you know Bugle, Ilarregui downplayed the scale of the protests in some conversations he had on Sunday with some lawmakers like MP Eduardo Valdés, chairman of the House’s Foreign Relations Committee.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel He accused the United States and the “reactionaries” of having fomented the protest which crossed various cities. And he encouraged his supporters to stand up in the streets for what the Cuban government continues to call the Revolution, which took place 62 years ago.

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