Felipe VI: "Spain is still betting on Argentina even in the most difficult times and will continue to do so"


The King of Spain supports the leadership of Mauricio Macri and emphasizes the importance of trade relations between the two countries Source: LA NACION – Credit: Fabián Marelli

The king of Spain,

Felipe VI

, is in the CCK with his wife,


and the Argentine presidential marriage. In a speech that marks the proximity between the two presidents, the king supported the management of

Mauricio Macri

. "Spain has always opted for Argentina, even in the most difficult times, and will continue to do so," he said, adding that "Spain is the second largest investor in the world. in importance in Argentina ".

"The Spaniards do not feel alien to Argentina," he said at the beginning of his speech, after highlighting the country's hospitality. Felipe VI highlighted the common interests of both countries and recalled: "Your Excellency's official visit to Spain in January 2017 marked a common desire to strengthen the links between our nations."

In addition, he explained that the multilateral relations between Argentina and Spain testify to the development of a "more prosperous, just and united sustainable world". For the King, Argentina "has shown tremendous capacity to contribute to the achievement of these goals with its G20 presidency, which culminated in the Leaders' Summit," an event he called "resounding success."

As explained at the end of the crisis, there are two essential factors. On the one hand, it is necessary to have "a common, united and long-term vision of the economic and social reforms to be implemented". In addition, he stressed the importance "of avoiding any temptation of withdrawal, protectionism and badistance to members abroad". Thus, he referred to the "process of openness and reform" in which Argentina is immersed and which, for him, "enjoys the support of the international community".

In this order of ideas, he indicated that Spain supported Argentina's application to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and that, as a country, it would continue to "make every effort to complete its partnerships in the framework of an agreement between Mercosur."

In addition, he celebrated the meeting to be held tomorrow between businessmen of both countries, and said: "I am confident that results will strengthen economic relations." Spain has always bet on the Argentina, even in the most difficult times, and will continue to do so. "Felipe VI pointed out that 300 Spanish companies are stably present in the country. "Spain is the second largest investor in Argentina". For him, the focus should therefore be on commercial relations. "This is the area in which the potential for cooperation of our countries is immense," he said.


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