Felipe VI with Macri: we support Argentina as we have always done in difficult times


"I welcome the kings of Spain – it's the first time kings have visited us This is the first time we have had a state visit for over 30 yearsMacri said at the beginning of a brief speech.

"We take this visit as a manifestation of affection and support for this moment of change that we, the Argentines, are undertaking, making profound transformations that cost and require effort, the same as in their country many years ago and the resultsat. In Spain, people have evolved and have a better quality of life"He added.

For his part, the Argentine president wished them to feel "the same level of affection as that felt during the visit to Spain two years ago. In this country, we love Spaniards. we want you to enjoy and feel at home"


Role in the arrival of the kings of Spain in Argentina

For its part, the King Philip VI He thanked the words of welcome from the Head of State: "For a Spaniard and a Spaniard, coming to Argentina is always something very specific.al C & # 39; is undoubtedly a great emotionwe are so united with Spain and Argentina that feeling a state visit is exciting, "he said.

In addition, expressed strong support for power reform policies: "It's an intense visit, with the economic and cultural agenda. We support Argentina as we have always done in difficult times. We are very aware of the economic situation that they have known and we support all ongoing reform programs. "

The agenda will continue with a trip to the residence of Olivos from 1 pm. In the afternoon, at 4 pm, kings will travel to the National Congress to meet with the parliamentary authorities, while at 5 pm they will do the same before the Court. Supreme Court

At age 20, the kings of Spain will be invited to a dinner hosted by the head of state and his wife in the gallery of the shield hall of the CCK.


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