Femicide Ursula: the demonstration has started in court


Event in front of the Palais des Cours, in the center of Buenos Aires, started this afternoon, from 17, convened by the group Ni Una menos (NUM), in memory of Úrsula Bahillo, the 18-year-old girl stabbed to death in the city Buenos Aires de Rojas by her ex-boyfriend, a policeman from the province of Buenos Aires.

“For Úrsula and everyone” and asks “Enough patriarchal justice!” and “Enough police repression!” was the call, broadcast on social networks.

Although the focal point of the appeal is in the courts of Talcahuano al 500 Street, the mobilization will be replicated in courts in different parts of the country.

“One in five femicide in our country is committed by members of the security forces”, supported the feminist movement Ni Una Menos.

Demonstration in front of the courthouse in memory of rsula Bahillo
Demonstration in front of the courthouse in memory of rsula BahilloHernán Zenteno – THE NATION

“The bureaucracy of the State and of Justice does not take seriously the risk denounced many times when it assesses the dangerousness of the aggressor if he has already experienced other episodes of violence,” he said. he stated in the appeal.

Today we are overcome with pain and anger. We are with Úrsula’s friends and family, with the town of Rojas taking the street. Across the country, it is necessary to come together, to denounce, ”he declared.

Úrsula Bahillo's mother is greeted at the protest outside the courthouse
Úrsula Bahillo’s mother is greeted at the protest outside the courthouseHernán Zenteno – THE NATION

He also stressed that “in the case of Úrsula, they gave femicide an institutional pass” and asserted that “justice is responsible”.

Úrsula had denounced her ex-boyfriend 18 times, the last time three days before his murder. On this occasion, she said that Matías Ezequiel Martínez threatened to kill her as she passed through Rojas, so she needed an anti-panic button.


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