Femicides: will provide financial assistance to minor children


The Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved the "Brisa Law"

Unanimously, the Chamber of Deputies approved last night the "Brisa Law" which creates an economic compensation regime for the sons and daughters of femicide women

This compensation will be equivalent to a minimum pension.

The law adopted the name of the case of Brisa Barrionuevo, a girl who lives in Moreno with her twin brothers, Elías and Tobías. His mother, Daiana Barrionuevo, was beaten to death on December 20, 2015, and her body was thrown into a river in a sack.

According to the standard, the benefit that femicide victims will charge will be consistent with the Assignment. Universal by Child (AUH), with the system of family allowances, with pensions whose children are beneficiaries, with the alimony scheme that they receive from their parents or with any other benefit they enjoy. [19659003] Similarly, it establishes that minors under 21 years of age "have the right to ask the national state to grant them full medical coverage, which must cover all the needs of their physical health care and

a political and institutional response to the situation of profound helplessness in which girls and sons of women victims of femicide are found, a crime that reveals the most extreme face of violence Alejandra Martínez, President of the Committee on the Family, Women, Children and Adolescents,

Casa del Encuentro, a non-governmental organization providing badistance to women victims of gender-based violence, believes that that 2,000 children have experienced the death of their female victims of feminicide since 2012.

Beyond the national law that will provide coverage for these wounded children, in the city of Buenos Aires this contribution it is already received at least a dozen children The Legislative Assembly of Buenos Aires approved in February 2017 a standard of characteristics similar to that voted yesterday in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation. Also in the province of Buenos Aires, since this year, the allocation of financial badistance to children who lost their mothers because of gender-based violence was debated.

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