Feminicides decreased by 14.6% in the first half of 2021: CDMX Prosecutor’s Office


Feminicides fell 14.6% at CDMX (Photo: Twitter @ FiscaliaCDMX)
Feminicides fell 14.6% at CDMX (Photo: Twitter @ FiscaliaCDMX)

Ernestina Godoy Ramos, head of the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (FGJ-CDMX), announced that Violent deaths against women show declining trend. In this sense, a 14.6% drop in the sum of femicides and intentional homicides where the victim is a woman during the first half of 2021.

In addition to this, he reported that the the crime of abduction of women has also decreased within the period mentioned.

During the press videoconference this Sunday, the official stressed that the objective of the prosecution is that “justice for women be installed among us forever“. In addition, he stressed that the agency for which he is responsible respects” the duty to ensure full access to justice for victims of violence. “

Godoy Ramos reported that the crime of female abduction has also declined during the aforementioned period (Photo: Twitter @ FiscaliaCDMX)
Godoy Ramos reported that the crime of female abduction has also declined during the aforementioned period (Photo: Twitter @ FiscaliaCDMX)

Regarding the prosecution of the alleged perpetrators, the prosecutor explained that they were detained 43 feminicides, which is an increase of 377% compared to the same period in 2019. In addition, they opened 519 sex offender investigation files from January to June of this year, an increase of 75% compared to the same period in 2019.

Regarding the crime of femicide, links to the process had a monthly average of 2.8 in 2019, compared to 7.1 in the first half of 2021, that is, there was an increase of 154%.

“We want to build a life without violence for all women, a city without fear for women to denounce, organizations to claim and society to claim justice. We want to ban violence from homes, that women be vigilant in our work ”, indicated the prosecutor in the presentation of the Advances of the alert for violence against women in Mexico City.

Progress in the process against abusers of women (Photo: SSC)
Progress in the process against abusers of women (Photo: SSC)

Likewise, the event also participated Marcela Figueroa Franco, Undersecretary for Institutional Development of the Citizen Security Secretariat (SSC). According to its report, in addition to generating a change in the attention paid to women citizens, changes were made with a gender perspective within the institution.

As part of the strategy to combat attacks against women, it proposes comprehensive training for police forces. In addition, thanks to protective measures, the SSC makes an average of 1,300 visits per unit to the victim’s home to check his physical integrity.

For this, there is permanent coordination with the FGJCDMX for the operation of police measures and interventions in cases identified as at risk of femicide.

Key Government Strategies to Address Violence Against Women (Photo: SSC)
Key Government Strategies to Address Violence Against Women (Photo: SSC)

Likewise, the strategy “Safe spaces for women ” It is the result of inter-institutional coordination for the prevention of gender-based violence against women in hotels and motels of Mexico City. This is due to the fact that these are establishments in which a significant number of femicides have been practiced.

Elements of the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur), the SSC, the Women’s Secretariat, the Citizen Council for Security and Justice and the Attorney General’s Office.

Finally, other actions have been implemented such as Women’s Network, in which 122 neighborhoods intervened, 40,985 women were visited and 1,685 cases of violence were detected and referred as first intention to LUNAS. On the other hand, efforts have been made to strengthen the “Safe Travel” and Safe Trails programs.


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