Feminist anthropologist Rita Segato inaugurates the Book Fair – Telam


Argentine anthropologist Rita Segato will open the 25th edition of the Book Fair in Buenos Aires on April 25th. Thus, for the third time in a row, a woman will be the protagonist of the opening of the literary meeting, informed The Book Foundation (FEL).

As a reference for feminism and the problem of violence against women, Rita Segato is an increasingly important word on the international scene. Segato is the author of many books, including "The Elementary Structures of Violence"; "The nation and its others"; and "Counter Pedagogies of Cruelty".

The president of the FEL, Maria Teresa Carbano, said that "the acceptance by Rita is one of the big news this year at the Fair and is the first announcement of a cultural event that continues to promote books, reading and culture, all in Latin America. "


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