Fernández and the Liaison Office agreed to "not go back in time" in field policies – Telam


Fernndez received the agricultural leaders of the Liaison Office

The presidential candidate of the Front of All, Alberto Fernández, and the leaders of the Liaison Office today agreed to "not go back to the past" in matters of field politics and to "work together to look at the situation". 39; future ", as revealed by the bosses of the agricultural entities at the withdrawal of the first meeting with the candidate Kirchner, eleven years after the conflict by resolution 125.

The offices of Fernández in Montserrat, in the Buenos Aires district, were the meeting place for rural leaders Daniel Pelegrina (Rural Society), Dardo Chiesa (Argentine Rural Confederations), Carlos Achetoni (Agrarian Federation) and Carlos Iannizzotto (Coninagro) where the meeting lasted. more than an hour and a half and was described as "positive".

Although Fernández did not set any withholding tax for agricultural exports, the Liaison Office representatives withdrew from the meeting with "hope" and "compliance," spokesmen for the rural sector said.

During a brief dialogue with the press, Mr. Fernández said that the meeting marked "the beginning of a good link, which will be fruitful", and then on his Twitter account, he added: "We have left the differences behind and decided to work together to get up in Argentina. "

In this sense, the presidential candidate Kirchner said that "the campaign is a fundamental element to revive the economy and develop again".

"I was delighted to see members of the Agriculture Liaison Office," he said.

In this regard, Pelegrina said: "We met a candidate who has a federal vision of the country and who has promised to accompany the field."

During the interview, the Liaison Office leaders discussed with the former Kirchner official the fear of the "return" of policies related to agriculture implemented by President Cristina Fernández. In this regard, the applicant "promised not to return to politics they hurt us," said Pelegrina.

"There is no room to go back to the past and that is why we have Fernandez's commitment to offer to work together and to deal with policies in a concerted manner, so as to look to the future," he said. Chiesa.


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