Fernández asked Macri not to compare Argentina to Venezuela and said that if he wins, he will de-dollarise the rates.


The presidential candidate of Frente de Todos (FdT), Alberto Fernández, said tonight that "unity with Brazil is much more important than (Jair) Bolsonaro", so he will stop facing the Head of State of the neighboring country, and He recommended to Mauricio Macri to "moderate his political strength" because it also causes discomfort. "

"Everyone knows what I think, I do not like bravado, but it can hurt the link with Brazil and it's a link that we have to deal with," admitted Fernandez in statements to Telefé.

"The unity with Brazil is much more important than Bolsonaro," he added, adding that he would no longer respond to the Brazilian president.

Fernández and Bolsonaro have maintained a strong counterpoint in recent days, in which the Brazilian president has declared that if the Todos Front won the parliamentary elections, there would be a "rather confrontational situation" between the two countries and that it would not did not want "the Argentine brothers to flee here", while the Peronist candidate describes him as "misogynist and racist".

Fernández for his part said: "I am a man who claims capitalism in its best version: the one who invests, produces and gives work.I would like a minister with these characteristics and a good president of the Central Bank. "

Moreover, he declares that if he arrives at the presidency of the nation, "on December 10, employers and workers must be called upon to conclude 180 days of truce".

"I ask everyone seriousness and serenity, I insist that the president decides he wants to be a candidate or president" because "both are difficult to do," Fernandez said.

He added that he wanted "everything to go well until the change of command so that everything goes smoothly", but he also asked Macri to "moderate his strength as well, because his strength was also a source of unease.

However, the Peronist leader said "very calm and very happy". "I know we will do it very well, we can raise Argentina, I am very sure," he said.

And he reiterated that "the first thing" he was going to do was "de-dollarize rates so that this devaluation does not fall into the pockets of the Argentines".

As for the economic cimbronazos of the last days, he declared that "what happened yesterday was the chronicle of a announced death". "If the government spent that to say we were Venezuela, the world would think so," he added.


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Therefore, he said, he told Mauricio Macri that "the first thing to do is to stop transmitting this message".

Regarding the new measures of the Macri government, Fernández said "struck by the fact that there is absolutely nothing for pensioners", but he also warned that despite resolutions on tax benefits and compensation of schemes and wages, "you have to think about how to compensate in a certain way."

This, he added, "should have been planned because they are very complex measures". "Only this should be done in a framework of agreement, but in a precarious and extremely weak environment," he said.


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