Fernández begins his Iberian tour and seeks to improve his link with Brazil and the United States.


Alberto Fernández met before leaving with Hugo and Pablo Moyano

Today, he is taking part in his first trip after the STEP; He will meet Mr Sánchez and the Portuguese Prime Minister. negotiations with Washington

A trip planned several months ago will change the political dynamics of Argentina for a few days. After a week of aggravation of the economic crisis and hardening of the political conflict,
Alberto Fernandez will leave today for
Europewhere he will stay until next Sunday.

The candidate
In front of all He plans to travel to Spain and Portugal and combine academic activity with political meetings. Faced with the eventual presidential replacement of December 10, Fernández decided to speed up international contacts and create bridges with the governments that he will have to use to face his first challenge, in case he would arrive at Casa Rosada:
renegotiation of debt with the IMF.

Dialogue with European Union (EU) referents simultaneously pursues efforts to improve the link with the US government and actions to end the escalation between Fernandez and the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro. Once the electoral dispute is over, the candidate of the Front de Tous plans to restore diplomatic relations with these allies of the
Mauricio Macri.

The Fernández route begins in Madrid, where he will give a lecture on public management at Camilo José Cela University, tomorrow and Tuesday. This is a work commitment that he had made before the announcement of his candidacy. He then plans a meeting with the Spanish Prime Minister, Socialist Pedro Sánchez, headed by a leader Fernández has known for many years, former Spanish President Felipe González. Another meeting that raises a lot of expectations in the candidate's environment is the one he will hold with Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell. It is a Catalan, who also has Argentine nationality, who will badume in November the high representative of the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy, a kind of chancellor of the regional bloc. The presidential candidate will also meet Rebeca Grynspan, head of the Ibero-American General Secretariat.

"At the meeting with Borrell, we will start talking about the agreement between the EU and Mercosur." Alberto would like to point out that he is not against this approach, if that is done in such a way as not to affect the Argentine industry, "says to
THE NATION a member of the candidate team. "What was thought of as a break will eventually constitute his first international tour after STEP," said the leader.

The forced break in the countryside is a balm for Fernández's team. The candidate insists that he does not want to feed the crisis and rejects any reading attributing some responsibility to the deterioration of the economy. The truth is that his statements had an important political impact last week. In his environment, his signs of moderation stand out, such as attending the Clarín group seminar, while stating that he will not abandon the economic antagonism with Macri or the IMF.

In the vicinity of Fernández, they try that at least one or two days the agenda is empty. But the candidate himself took care to fill it. After crossing Spain, he will travel to Lisbon, where he has already made an appointment with the Portuguese Prime Minister, Antonio Costa, and with the Minister of Economy, Mario Centeno.

Both belong to socialism and are referents of the so-called "Portuguese miracle", as is known the process of renegotiation of the public debt of this country, after a brutal renegotiation with the IMF. Costa has badumed in 2015, as a product of an alliance with the left, reverse some of the adjustment plan measures applied by the previous government and implement measures to boost the growth of the economy. ;economy. The recipe is watched with great attention by the entire Fernández team.

During his stay in Spain and Portugal, Fernández will be accompanied by his partner, Fabiola Yáñez, and Felipe Solá, who began to manage some diplomatic efforts. The former governor of the province of Buenos Aires met Chris Andino ten days ago. He had just arrived in Argentina to join the US Embbady. They talked about the situation in Venezuela. Solá explained why Fernández prefers not to use the word "dictatorship" to define the regime led by Nicolás Maduro and tried to bring peace of mind to the reforms contemplated by the Front of All. "Our disagreements with Macri are about the economic agenda, we are not going for either the Constitution or the Republican institutions," he said, according to witnesses.

In the command of Mexico Street, headquarters of Fernández's offices, the desire to reduce the intensity of conflicts with the United States and Brazil intensifies and leaders say spend many hours there. Solá's efforts go hand in hand with the work of former ambbadador to Washington, Jorge Argüello, and former Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana.



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