Fernández hospital: doctor waiting to be vaccinated died from Covid


Ignacio Previgliano, Director of Fernández Hospital, He spoke today of the death of a doctor from this health center due to a coronavirus, who fell ill while awaiting his turn to be vaccinated. She explained that she did not want to give herself the Sputnik V vaccine until the article came out The Lancet approve your security. “He had a tour for February 23, but he fell ill earlier,” he said, explaining that the remaining doses had been distributed to other health centers.

Previgliano explained, in dialogue with LN + in the program More tomorrow, What Maria rosa fullone, 56, who had worked at Fernández for 12 years as an assistant to the special guards, was among the “20% of doctors” who did not want to sign up for the first round of vaccines.

“In December, the hospital had received a total of 1,400 first and second dose vaccines, the priority of which was intensive care, the on-call and emergency service and the services of the medical clinic, which are more in contact with Covid patients, ”explained the neurologist.

The director of the Fernández hospital spoke of the death by Covid-19 of an emergency doctor

“Of those 1,400, 1,150 were applied,” he said, but the rest was not required by the rest of the professionals in these areas, so two private centers were vaccinated and the remaining 50 were shared with Ramos Mejía Hospital ”.

Previgliano explained that María Rosa “He was unfortunately part of the group of people who did not get vaccinated”. At that time, Sputnik V did not have the backing of the specialized media, nor of the ANMAT, when the national government decided to acquire the Russian doses. After the article was published by The Lancet, The doctor “decided to get vaccinated” and “had her turn for February 23, but she fell ill earlier” and died of Covid-19.

“We all regret it very much, she was very much loved in the hospital and unfortunately I was responsible for diagnosing brain death because I am a neurologist and intensivist,” said the doctor.

“The people in the emergency department were with him and the only consolation we have is that we give him the best care with the greatest affection and affection that can be given and, on the other hand, that is what we do. let’s try to do with all the patients. ”added.

On the other hand, the professional pointed out that “There was no shortage of vaccines” when the first batch of doses arrived and that “in the City’s Ministry of Health, vaccination was carried out in a transparent and categorical manner according to the priorities and the health calendar”.

In addition, informed that the hospital is awaiting the arrival of the remaining vaccines of those who did not want to be vaccinated in the first round.

Asked about the impact of the irregular vaccination of politicians and young people close to power, he stressed: “This is something that affects everyone in the same way, it is a regrettable fact that there has been these privileges, but it’s part of the human condition. In Spain the grand chief of the army had to resign due to an irregularity like this, “he said, adding:” “I have to save myself anyway” seems to be part of the condition. human. “

In addition, he highlighted the work of hospitals. “I am proud of the work that has been accomplished. Mortality in intensive care is 35%; we have created a non-invasive ventilation room with a mortality rate of 10%, and a post-intensive therapeutic rehabilitation room through which people have shortened their stay in the hospital, ”he closed.


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