Fernández International Support | Declaration of …


More than 30 Latin American political and intellectual leaders gathered for three days in the city of Puebla, Mexico, expressed support for the Alberto Fernández-Cristina Kirchner formula for the October elections.

From July 12 to 14, prominent leaders such as Mexicans Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Brazilian Fernando Haddad, Colombian Ernesto Samper, Chileans Marco Enríquez-Ominami and José Miguel Insulza and Uruguayan Daniel Martínez, among others , they met. in Mexico to discuss the challenges that national and popular forces in the region are facing with the progress of neoliberalism.

The Argentine delegation consisted of Jorge Taiana, Felipe Solá, Carlos Tomada and Julián Domínguez. At the end of the meeting, three statements were made: one on the need to promote dialogue in Venezuela, in support of the initiative of the Governments of Mexico, Uruguay and Norway in this regard; another on the creation of a Defense Committee composed of Justice and Democracy to respond to cases of "lawsuits" against political figures in the region, with particular emphasis on the prison suffered by the former president Lula in Brazil, and a third statement during which the Latin American progressive group was formed.

The efforts of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Evo Morales were also supported and the candidatures for the presidency of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner in Argentina and of Daniel Martínez in Uruguay were strongly supported.

Latin American Progressive Group, Full text of the Puebla Declaration

1 (Objective) The signatories met in the city of Puebla-Mexico; We have decided to form the Latin American Progressive Group, as a space for reflection and political exchange in Latin America. A space which, respecting the preferences of each participant, aims at badyzing the common challenges and launching joint initiatives, in the pursuit of the integral development of our peoples.

2 (Background) Our region is experiencing a new wave of neoliberal governments, which emphasize the promotion of the interests and privileges of a socio-economic elite, at the expense of the development of our peoples, hindering their opportunities for development and welfare. to be social, while weakening our sovereignty. , our democratic institutions, the rule of law, the validity of human rights and the environment.

3 (Background) The concern is even greater when gross forms of judicial intervention are observed, through the deliberate manipulation of court proceedings, which seek to silence, intimidate or otherwise directly restrict the freedom of popular representatives. In short, they seek to build political hegemony by excluding progressive forces.

4 (Background) The communicative hegemony exercised by the rights, which opposes the search for equality with the legitimate aspiration to growth, allowed the installation of ideas and stories stimulating individualism, fear of diversity and the extension of rights. . In addition, the ongoing demonization of projects, social organizations and policies of progressive transformation, amplifying their mistakes and openly denaturing their achievements and progress.

5 (Context) New technologies, which offer great potential for economic growth, prosperity and environmental sustainability, and which emerged a few years ago as allies of progressive popular movements claiming rights and against neoliberal policies, they are controlled by monopolies that amplify risks in terms of unemployment, precariousness, inequality and generate new concerns in ethical and moral terms.

6 (Proposition) In this situation, we invite the progressives to build a new common project which, learning from our mistakes and covering our vocation as majorities and government, allows us to give back to our peoples the hope of a more inclusive society. just, more solidarity, more egalitarian. We propose to design a new look adapted to new times and calling on all sectors of society to question the dominant order, to denounce the interests of the right, to transform politics into new links between the world of work and our society. debates and the promotion of new expressions of social and civic organizations that seek the equality of rights between men and women, the protection of the environment, the inclusion and the respect of the diversity , greater transparency and citizen participation in the information society. decision.

7 (Principles of Action) Therefore, the signatories will encourage joint initiatives that will lay the groundwork for: eliminating hunger, ensuring a nutritious diet, the foundation of the cognitive and integral development of the population; to ensure quality education and public health and access to decent housing as pillars of social development; promote an inclusive growth economic model that goes beyond the primary low value-added agro-exporter model; defend the work in a scenario of anti-hegemonic conflict, reinforcing and protecting our social fabric; to democratize access to innovation and technology so that small and medium-sized enterprises can also participate in the new knowledge-based economy; deal comprehensively with the energy situation in the region, with universal access to energy services in a sustainable manner; and design effective initiatives to stop drug trafficking, providing security and protection to citizens with policies that promote integration and coexistence as the foundation of social peace.

8 (Methodology) Regarding the methodology for joint action, we propose: the signature of this declaration which integrates the main strategic lines that will guide the performance of this group; the establishment of a horizontal solidarity mechanism in the face of legal, political or economic attacks that threaten the stability of our governments or the dignity and freedom of our leaders; the creation of a digital space which, in addition to face-to-face meetings, allows us to connect, update information and promote dialogue between various social actors on an ongoing basis; and the creation of spaces that badyze and advise the group on specific topics such as the Commission for Justice and Democracy, already created, composed of Latin American jurists to deal with the onslaught of war judicial.

9 (Mandate) We task the Permanent Secretariat of this progressive Latin American group to coordinate dynamic meetings every 3 to 6 months bringing together personalities from the national and popular domains of various fields in order to answer specific problems and to continue to contribute to a new progressive commitment. We propose to celebrate the next meeting of the Latin American progressive group in the coming months in a city to be defined.

10 Finally, we celebrate the triumph of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Morena in Mexico and encourage the triumph of the popular leaders of Daniel Martinez, Evo Morales and Alberto Fernández in the upcoming elections in Uruguay, Bolivia and Argentina.

Signed, at Puebla, the 14th of July, 2019

Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano

Karol Aída Cariola Oliva

Julián Andrés Domínguez

Marco Enríquez-Ominami

Carlos Figueroa Ibarra

Fernando Haddad

Miguel Barbosa Huerta

José Miguel Insulza Salinas

Camilo Lagos

Guillaume Long

Clara Eugenia López Obregón

Esperanza Martinez

Daniel Carlos Martinez Villamil

David Méndez Márquez

Aloizio Mercadante Oliva

Alejandro Navarro Brain

René Ortiz

Carlos Octavio Ominami Pascual

Yeidckol Polevnsky Gurwitz

Gabriela Alejandra Rivadeneira Burbano

Ernesto Samper Pizano

Felipe Carlos Solá

Carlos Sotelo García

Jorge Enrique Taiana

Carlos Alfonso Tomada


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