Fernández: "It is unacceptable that in Argentina there is hunger and we do not take care of it" – Telam


The Front presidential candidate, Alberto Fernández, said the first years of his term would be complex because he would benefit from a "very decimated and destroyed economy", added to an "easy international scenario".

He also confirmed that society "must have the peace of mind that the one who governs will not defeat people".

Fernández predicted that in the event of a victory in the elections, he would favor a multi-sectoral "180 days" agreement to "recompose wages without increasing inflation".

To this end, he said that he hoped to "talk" with the President of the UIA, Miguel Acevedo, while he would go to Tucumán on Wednesday to meet the industry sectors.

Addressing the TN channel, Kirchner's candidate said he would look for "agreements with industrialists, rural people and workers".

When asked if he imagined the president, he said, "Imagine, I guess, because that's why you've always worked in politics."

Although he admitted that he had "arranged" not to be a candidate "this year" because, otherwise, it was very difficult to call the unit. "
"Until the time came and there I had to make the decision.Sometimes the man proposes and God disposes," he said adding, "Suddenly, I was in this situation and he was It seemed like it was a way to help find a way out, thought Cristina (Fernández), and that's what I am. "

In another section, Fernández ratified "that there is no possibility" to "convince him that the Constitution must be reformed" and recalled that "the government of Néstor (Kirchner) was very virtuous and we did it with this Constitution ", while" the Constitution is not the problem ".

For the presidential candidate, "when Cristina talks about a" new order ", it is the idea to generate other commitments .It is unacceptable that in Argentina, hunger reigns and we all look at it, we badyze it as a statistical fact and do not worry about it as a society, fight against hunger, it's the contract we have to sign among all " he insisted.

On the subject of the unity of Peronism, Fernández reiterated the need to "realize that we have a unique chance that we can not lose in terms of social expectations." I know the only thing I can not not to do is to make a mistake, because it would be tragic for people, "he warned. .

He also said that when he was elected president he would benefit from a "very dilapidated and destroyed economy and a difficult international scenario", although he stressed that "this time , people must have the peace of mind not to let the one who governs "people" rule.


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