Fernandez swept into the prisons


The Frente de Todos formula obtained 86.87% of the votes cast, or 14,041 votes out of a total of 16,670 prisoners who participated.

The presidential formula of the Frente de Todos, composed of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner, has won an overwhelming victory in the country's prisons, as evidenced by the data of the last check by the electoral justice.

The Frente de Todos formula obtained 86.87% of the votes cast, or 14,041 votes out of a total of 16,670.

At the same time, the list of Together for Change, led by Mauricio Macri and Miguel Pichetto, obtained only 7.72% of support among the detainees, 1,249 affirmative votes.

The federal consensus took third place with 2.27% (367 votes), followed by the Left Front with 1.89%, which equals 307 votes, one less than the 308 votes cast.

Although 57,259 people have the right to vote in 301 penitentiary units in the country, only 29.11% of prisoners registered in the register of private voters voted, according to information provided by the electoral justice.

Inmates voted through a single paper ballot containing candidates for the presidency and national deputies, in which they must mark their vote of a cross.

According to Law 25.858, remand prisoners also have the right to vote in the prison unit where they are detained.

Among the inmates allowed to vote were some former Kirchner government officials, such as former Vice President Amado Boudou; the former Minister of Planning, Julio de Vido; his former right hand man, Roberto Baratta; Secretaries Ricardo Jaime and Juan Pablo Schiavi; businessman Lázaro Báez and party leader Miles, Luis D'Elía.

During the primaries, Frente de Todos won 74.7% of the votes in the country's prisons in Together for Change, which won 7.65% of the vote. Third place went to the Movement for Socialism (MAS) with 5.5%.

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