Fernández: "We will honor the debt, but not at the expense of the people" – News


The presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernández, said on Thursday as part of his visit to Spain that he would "honor" and "honor" the debts contracted but "not at the expense of the people".

"Everyone is worried about what we are going to do with debt, we will do what we have always done: respect and honor the debts incurred, but do not ask us to do so at the risk of further deteriorating our people. and to further delay the Argentines "he said.

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He criticized the fact that Argentina was "so conditioned by US policy" and badured that it made her "come back as a country".

At a conference that he delivered at the Congress of Deputies in Madrid, after speaking with the Spanish President, Pedro Sánchez, the former head of Kirchner's government made it clear that He did not think that the country had to maintain "bad relations" with the American Power but "a mature relationship."

On the other hand, he denied having opposed the trade integration agreement with the European Union in which macrismo had advanced several months ago, but explained that it was not yet "a fact accomplished "and stressed that the badociation had to take into account the" asymmetries "between the Old Continent and Mercosur in order to protect national interests.

"We must put our eyes back on Europe and our gateway has always been Spain. It seemed like one of them was against the agreement (free trade), but I was at the head of the Cabinet of the Government that did more to organize a meeting between the European Union and Mercosur, in 2005 or 2006. There seems to be a hope of When the question was raised, it seemed to be an established fact and we have actually two years of discussion to see how it materializes, "he said.


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