Fewer "yellow vests" continue with claims in France | Chronic


The movement of "yellow vests" continues to weaken in France. This Saturday, he mobilized 10,300 people across the country during his 30th Saturday of protest, according to official figures, during a day marked by a series of minor incidents that occurred in the city of Montpellier , in the south of the country.

The first demonstrations counted with more than 30 thousand people who protested against the policies of the president Emmanuel Macron. That day, the demonstrations were slightly higher than last Saturday (9,500 people according to the Ministry of the Interior). However, the figure provided by the organizers was almost double that of the manager, which indicates that they were 19,654 today. protesters across the country.

The main mobilization took place in Montpellier with a call to more than 2,000 people, according to the police and 5,000 for yellow vests.

At the beginning of the demonstration, incidents broke out with the security forces, who used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the convoys, according to the newspaper Sud Ouest.

The prefecture reported a dozen minor injuries among the protesters and a policeman wounded in the arm, in this case because of the projectiles and pyrotechnics used by those who marched.

Street furniture and stores were damaged and police arrested 16 people, Le Parisien newspaper reported.

Demonstrations also took place in the Parisian suburbs, where clashes took place between protesters and law enforcement forces, as well as in the central regions of Lille (north), Bordeaux (southwest) and Dijon (east of France). ), as reported by France Inter.


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