FGR extradited “Uncle” to the United States: alleged operator linked to the Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel


(Photo: FGR)
(Photo: FGR)

The Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) reported that Raúl “F” was extradited to the United States, at the request of a federal court in the District of Columbia, for its probable responsibility in crimes of criminal association and against health.

He worked with the cartels Jalisco Nueva Generación, Sinaloa and the Beltrán Leyva.

In a press release, the FGR said Raúl “F” is accused of “negotiate and traffic large amounts of cocaine with various Mexican criminal groups, in addition to maintaining the sources of supply in Colombia and controlling the sea routes from Mexico to the United States ”.

The Attorney General of the Republic at the time offered in 2010 a reward of 5 million pesos and three years later his capture was carried out, although he was released in 2015.

The FGR reported that Raúl Flores Hernández, El Tío, had been extradited to the United States (Photo: FGR)
The FGR reported that Raúl Flores Hernández, El Tío, had been extradited to the United States (Photo: FGR)

It should be noted that he was not identified by the Mexican authorities and it was in the United States that they identified him as one of the powerful drug traffickers, he was also singled out for doing business with footballer Rafael Márquez and singer Julión Álvarez.

In July 2017, he was captured again and was in prison in the Reclusorio Sur, where he sought to avoid his extradition. The FGR, investigated for 11 years the relations with the various Mexican cartels.

According to newspaper information Millennium, The FGR explained that Raúl “F” is a “precious good” which was able to launder the money of the cartels Jalisco Nueva Generación, Sinaloa and the Beltrán Leyva brothers.

Which is part of a case that started before the Twelfth Amparo District Criminal Court based in Mexico City, since Flores Hernández wanted the prosecutor’s office to drop an investigation in 2009 for his alleged responsibility in the crime of operating with resources of illicit origin, is indicated on the same communication medium.

(Photo: Wiki Commons)
(Photo: Wiki Commons)

The aforementioned person was handed over to the US authorities at the international airport in the city of Toluca, State of Mexico, for its final transfer to Washington, DC. What he said was consistent with the Extradition Treaty signed between the United States and Mexico.

It should be noted that Raúl “F” lost the extradition case last year, and although he promoted various calls to postpone her delivery. The extradition order dates from November 2018.

While Mexico requested the extradition of Jorge Luis “V, man of American nationality required by the judge specializing in family matters and the control and prosecution in criminal matters of girls, boys and adolescents of the first judicial district of the State of Durango, for his probable responsibility in the commission of the crimes of femicide and rape.

In the press release released by the FGR on Saturday February 6, he indicated that Jorge Luis “V” is accused of having raped and deprived of life a minor, in the municipality of Guadalupe Victoria, Durango.

The individual was handed over at the border bridge that connects the towns of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, and Laredo, Texas, to staff from the Durango State Attorney General’s Office, for presentation to authorities.


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