Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome: when pain and fatigue do not go away


This disease, which It affects 2 to 10% of the world's population, it is more common among women. Until nowand that they do not know the causes of the two pathologies, they could be linked to genetic factors.

Dr. Evangelina Melgar, psychiatrist and clinic coordinator for patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue INECO, explains what are the keys to understand these pathologiesThey can affect the development of activities of daily living and the interpersonal relationships of those who undergo them.


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Fibromyalgia: when muscles hurt

"Fibromyalgia occurs between 30 and 40 years although, in a lower percentage, It can appear in childhood and adolescence. The main symptom is the generalized pain of skeletal muscle, which aggravates the pressure of the sensitive points ", describes the specialist.

According to Melgar "the intensity of the pain varies depending on climate change, physical activity, psychological stress or lack of sleep. It usually starts in one area of ​​the body and migrates through different regions until it becomes generalized over time. "

Regarding the symptoms, he ensures that "90% of patients suffer from fatigue, 70 to 80% of sleep disorders and up to 25% of anxiety or depression. Low tolerance to stress is also common. the feeling of heaviness in the limbs; generalized rigidity (especially when getting up in the morning); feeling of inflammation and tingling poorly defined in the hands and feet.

These conditions can be badociated with headaches, dizziness, cognitive failures of memory and attention, bruxism, gastrointestinal symptoms, irritable bowel syndrome, dyspepsia, nausea. In this respect, the doctor specifies that "the presence of these symptoms or the badociated syndromes varies in each person".

Another important feature is that Some external factors, such as environmental cold, humidity, stress, excess or lack of activity, exacerbate the symptoms. While the heat, dry weather, relaxation and rest, they reduce their intensity.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: When Fatigue Affects Life

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, is a clinical entity recognized by all international medical organizations and by the WHO, and only 8% of the time is badociated with fibromyalgia.

"The syndrome may seem No matter what age, even in childhood, but it is more common among women between 20 and 40 years old. In many cases, begins abruptly after an infectious episode or physical or mental trauma, such as surgery, accidents or the death of a loved one. In others, it appears gradually, "says Melgar.

In addition, he points out that "this can last several months, even years, and only a small percentage recovers completely."

The SFC is characterized by Extreme fatigue that lasts more than 6 months and is not relieved by rest. It is badociated with other symptoms also constant during more than 6 months, in particular: sleep disorders, muscular or articular pains, headaches, sore throats, problems of concentration and memory, sensations of vertigo or disease . .


Diagnosis and treatment: how to measure pain

The diagnosis of both pathologies is clinical. "At the time, there are no further studies that confirm them, is established during an interview with the professional, in which the patient describes the symptoms, "says the specialist.

To address the diagnosis, they are used questionnaires on pain in different areas of the body and the severity of symptoms, The presence of cognitive impairment, sleep, fatigue and other somatic symptoms is badessed. It is also recommended that evaluation of a specialist rheumatologist to rule out the badociated pathologies.

"Early diagnosis is the main challenge posed by these diseases to prevent their chronicity and a greater impact on the functionality of the person, improving his quality of life, "promotes.

The patient must know the characteristics of the disease from the start in order to be able to treat. "The programs of Physical exercises should be one of the basic treatments for all patients with fibromyalgia. For example, for morning stiffness, characteristic symptoms, daily stretching and oxygenation exercises are indicated, as well as aerobic physical activity, not intense. Anaerobes are not advisable because they would make the feeling of heaviness and pain worse", Described.

In case of chronic fatigue syndrome, the most effective treatment consists of a dual approach combining cognitive training with a program of gradual exercises.

In pharmacological treatments, they are approved some antidepressants that may be effective in reducing the increased perception of pain, although there is no medication that in itself eliminates all the symptoms


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