Fiesta with lomo, malbec and tango to celebrate the return of Argentine meat to the United States. – 21/03/2019


The 50 kilos of Argentinean loin arrived in Washington directly by plane, in the manner of a treasure. The cuts had been carefully chosen as it undoubtedly consisted of the highest quality pieces of meat – baked in elegant dishes with mushroom and port sauce, flanked with asparagus and potatoes with Parmesan cheesethey were the star of the night in the embbady of our country in the US capital. We had to celebrate big: Creole meat returned to the United States after 17 years closed market and this opening took place here at a luxury dinner with wine, tango and senior government officials Donald Trump and industry entrepreneurs, eager to test the Argentine product live and live.

Official launch meal for the return of Argentine meat to the US market

Official launch meal for the return of Argentine meat to the US market

Clarin Bulletins

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The embbady dressed to receive personalities from Washington's power circles, They were received by Ambbadador Fernando Oris de Roa, who is very comfortable with officials and businessmen involved in the meat sector. The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Guillermo Bernaudo, had arrived from Argentina; the president of the Institute for the Promotion of Argentine Beef (IPVCA), Ulises Forte, and Guillermo Rodríguez Larreta, of Angus Argentina.

At the round tables, in the main hall dressed in delicate effects of light, Elaine Chao, the secretary of transport, settled down; Sergio Peña, Deputy Secretary of Defense for Latin America; Kimberley Breier, Under Secretary of State at the region; CJ Mahone, Deputy Secretary of USTR (US Trade Representative); James Scriven, president of BID Invest, branch of the agency for the private sector, among others.

We also saw Susan Segal of the Atlantic Council, Julie Potts, president of the North American Meat Institute, importers and representatives of Argentinian and American producers, distributors and refrigerators.

Oris de Roa emphasized the "Huge symbolic value, beyond the economy" the return of Argentine meat to the United States. The ambbadador had received a few weeks earlier in Philadelphia the first shipment of 12 tons that marked the opening of the market.

The last time Argentina sent fresh meat here, it was in 1999, while Washington was concerned about foot-and-mouth disease and kirchnerism – which has maintained a confrontation with the countryside and a freeze bilateral relations with the White House – it has been reactivated. The sanitary procedures were accelerated during the management of Mauricio Macri and finally announced as part of President Donald Trump's visit to Argentina and the G20 meeting last November.

While guests rented the filet on their plates, they also tasted two exquisite blends of Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon from Mendoza. Secretary Bernaudo took advantage of the podium to take his chest and say that now "Argentina is again an important player in the international meat market." And he emphasized the quality of our livestock, fed on pasture.

The guests offered before each speech and the conversation in the room was lively. The President of IPVCA also exulted: "Argentines do not have the best meat in the world, we compete for all and we are able to win them", Highly disputed, before the general laughter.

For the moment, what comes to the United States – part of the 20,000-tonne quota – is lean cuts to treat hamburgers and other products. But the intention is to be able to export other cuts of better quality. That's why they sought to seduce with the spine.

At the moment of desserts – pavlova with dulce de leche and red berries – was launched a tango show with a couple of Argentinians who came specially from Las Vegas and the guests enjoyed dancing between the tables.

Official launch meal for the return of Argentine meat to the US market

Official launch meal for the return of Argentine meat to the US market

It was the time of the last champagne toast. The Americans left immediately (that was after 21, late for local customs), but excited about the dinner. The Argentines, of course, stayed a long time, commenting on the quality of the net, drinking and tasting corn starch alfajorcitos.


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