Fifty years after the public address of the Andean silo


At an event organized in the park of reflection and Punta de Vacas, in the Andes, the faithful of Silo (Mario Rodríguez Cobos) today commemorate the 50th anniversary of. a historical event: the first public address of the leader of Mendoza. , who launched a message that would later tour the world. The day will be the perfect setting to listen to the sound of the mythical harangue, share experiences and ceremonies and remember the meaning of "healing of suffering".

A message that, say the siloists, reaches the hearts in search of affection, meaning and hope, has inspired many humanistic social and cultural organizations from the five continents and has encouraged the construction of more than 50 parks of study and reflection in countries as diverse as Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, United States, Germany, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Mozambique, India, among many others.

In the context of the cruel military dictatorship in Argentina – which prevented him from speaking freely in public – on May 4, 1969 in Punta de Vacas, Silo declared: "This man speaks to your conscience far from the cities and their ambitions There, in the cities, where each day is an eagerness truncated by death, where love is produced hatred, where forgiveness is vengeance, there in the cities of rich and poor men, there, in the immense Men's fields, a coat of suffering and sadness is installed. "

Then began the first public intervention of Silo, in a more or less poetic envelope. In this harangue, it is explained that the most important knowledge for life ("true wisdom") does not coincide with the knowledge of books, universal laws, etc., but that it is from an intimate personal experience. The most important knowledge for life relates to the understanding of suffering and its overcoming.

Silo during one of his last public appearances in the Mendoza mountain range.

Silo adds, "You can end violence in yourself, in others, and in the world around you, only through inner faith and inner meditation." There are no false doors to put end to violence.This world is about to explode and there is no way to end the violence! Do not look for false doors! "

Life and work

The Punta de Vacas Study and Reflection Park is located in the Andes, at the foot of the Aconcagua. Next to the Curva del Tiempo, at the confluence of the Plata, Aconcagua and Tupungato mountain ranges, and the Cuevas, Tupungato and Mendoza rivers. It takes its name from where it is located, located 50 km to the west of Uspallata and 17 km east of Puente del Inca and 30 km to the city. East of the Chilean border (more information on


Silo (1938-2010) is the pseudonym of Mario Luis Rodríguez Cobos. He was born in the suburbs of Mendoza. His writings have been translated into many languages, and his complete works are published in two volumes, including: Humanizing the Earth, Guided Experiences, Contributions to Thought, Universal Root Myths, Silo Chat, Psychology Notes. The website presents reliable texts of Silo's original work in their translation into different languages.

Silo's message gave rise to a new and growing spirituality, inspired by a book long known as The inside look; in the Experience raised during eight ceremonies; and in the Way, a set of reflections and suggestions.

Similarly, the thought of Silo gave birth to a universalist humanism, inspired by different social, cultural, educational and political organizations that develop activities in some forty countries on five continents.


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