Filtered documents show that Bolsonaro has devastating plans for the Amazon


This was revealed on Thursday Open democracy that he had access to internal documents of the Bolsonaro government that show that the president begins to deploy a plan to dismantle conservation plans and advance the exploitation of the Amazon.

The PowerPoint slides you accessed Open democracy show that eThe Bolsonaro government intends to install hate speech to reduce the power of minorities living in the region and to carry out such predatory projects which could have a devastating environmental impact for the Amazon.

The government One of its priorities is to live in the Amazon region to avoid the implementation of multilateral forest protection projects, especially the "Triple A" project. (Andes, Amazon, Atlantic).

This project is an ecological corridor of 135 million hectares of tropical forest that would link the Andes to the Atlantic by the Amazon.. In one of these slides, there is talk of "implementing North Calha on the Amazon Basin and integrating it with the rest of the national territory". To do this, the document goes on, the Trombetas River hydroelectric power station, the Orbidos bridge over the Amazon and the BR 163 road leading to the Surinamese border must be built. The fact that the area is inhabited contrasts with the green lung conservation projects.

In February of this year, the ministers Gustavo Bebianno (General Secretariat of the Presidency), Ricardo Salles (Environment) and Alves Damares (Women, family and human rights) went to Tiriós (Pará) to discuss with local leaders the construction of a bridge over the Amazon in the city of Óbidos, D & D A hydroelectric power station at Oriximiná and the extension of the BR-163 road to the border of Suriname.

During the meeting, the ministers used a PowerPoint presentation detailing the work announced by the Bolsonaro government for the region and leaving no room for interpretation. In the projection, It is obvious that living in the Amazon region is important so that preservation projects can not be developed.

The strategy, before the predatory projects are developed, begins with the speech. Bolsonaro's hate speech against environmental NGOs and indigenous peoples. He even accused the NGOs of being behind the fires.

Brazil has recorded 72,000 fires this year alone, half of them in the Amazon. The National Institute of Space Research (Inpe) said its satellite data indicated an 84% increase in households compared to the same period in 2018.

Attacking non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is part of the Bolsonaro government's strategy for the Amazon. According to another slide of the government's presentation, There is currently a globalist campaign that "relativizes national sovereignty in the Amazon Basin", using a combination of international pressure and "external and internal psychological oppression".

This campaign mobilizes environmental and indigenous NGOs, in addition to means, to exert diplomatic and economic pressure. It also implies that indigenous minorities act with the support of public institutions at the federal, regional and municipal levels. The result of this movement, they say in the presentation, restricts "the freedom of action of the government".

For that Unsurprisingly, Bolsonaro's response to the fires comes in the form of an attack against NGOs.

Part of the government's strategy to disarm this international campaign is Devalue the relevance and voice of minorities living in the region and turn them into enemies. Among the tactics mentioned in the document is that of redefine the paradigms of indigenism and environmentalism through the prism of liberalism and conservatism based on realistic theories.


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