Filtered letter that the pope sent to Maduro


According to the newspaper Corriere della Sera

Rome (EFE) – The pope reminded the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, that "in the past, what was agreed in the meetings was not followed by concrete actions", according to the letter of response to the President's request for mediation and that he publishes this Wednesday only in a minimal part of the newspaper Corriere della Sera.

The Milanese newspaper publishes a photo of part of the letter in which it is read that it is addressed to His Excellency, and not to President Nicolás Maduro Moros, and bears the date of February 7, 2019.

According to this article, Francisco recalls the repeated attempts of Maduro and the Holy See in recent years, aimed at "trying to find a way out of the Venezuelan crisis".

"Unfortunately, they were all interrupted because what was agreed at the meetings was not followed by concrete actions to implement the agreements," writes the pontiff. Corriere della Sera.

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The Argentine pope goes on to badert that this series of demands formerly considered "indispensable to the fruitful and effective development of dialogue" and that "others, added as a result of the evolution of the situation" are no longer necessary anything

In addition, the newspaper adds, the Pope reaffirms "the need to avoid any form of bloodbath".

The Vatican's acting spokesman, Alessandro Gisotti, did not want to comment, nor deny what he saw as the publication of "a private letter" of the pope in a media outlet.

Pope Francis, returning from his trip to the United Arab Emirates, said that "for mediation to be possible, the will of both parties is necessary". The initial conditions are clear: if the parties request it, we are always available. "

EFE Photo

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