Final TUF 27: Tavares vs Adesanya – Winners and losers


Those who stayed awake long enough saw a dominant 5-round performance from one of the most talented rising stars of the UFC team, while Adesanya beat Brad Tavares in a thunderous way. There were several moments in the competition when it seemed that the referee was going to jump before long, but in a way, Tavares managed to make sure that the judges made a decision much easier than that to what we expected. Do not get me wrong, Adesanya was the biggest winner of the night


Israel Adesanya : There were a lot of comparisons to Anderson Silva being thrown on Twitter. Normally, I would make fun of such a comparison, but Adesanya did things that the Spider did. Many – including me – said that he was getting too much, too soon with Tavares. I could not have been more wrong. Do not take your eyes people. It's the real deal.

Brad Katona : You must have some state of mind to appreciate Katona's professional performance. You do not have to appreciate it to admit that it was awesome. The Canadian dominated Bell's Jay Cucciniello at Bell to win the TUF featherweight title. More importantly, it looks like a prospect that deserves to be watched.

Alex Caceres and Martin Bravo : Fighters often say that they are willing to die in the cage and these two as they thought. Caceres found a house for his left hand again and again, but Bravo refused to leave. As Caceres slowed down after pushing a heavy pace, Bravo came close to moving him away several times but could not do it. So, they went to the decision in a contest that could have gone both ways. Caceres had his hand up, but Bravo has made a name in the process.

Roxanne Modafferi : True, I do not know either what is Super Saiyan – sorry, Dragonball Z was after my time – but Modafferi is proof of what hard work and pbadion can lead. Not only is she 15 years old in her career, she is also one of the worst athletes in the UFC. And yet, she manages to improve at each session. If you do not like Roxy, you're not human

Alessio Di Chirico : I know that many are not going to be happy to see Di Chirico here, but I'm in minority who believes that he deserved this decision. It does not matter if you believe that he deserved the win or not – I personally have no problem if you thought Marquez won – Di Chirico did better than anyone else. The Italian deserves perhaps to be watched after all.

Montana de la Rosa: No, it was not a perfect performance, but de la Rosa had a good first round and put it together when he counted. the final frame. Good overall performance for the 23-year-old athlete and a big win to help him climb the ladder

Luis Pena : Pena is more than just an awesome nickname. Violent Bob Ross electrified as much on the feet as on the floor, illuminating Richie Smullen before submitting the SBG product. Since the injury was the only thing that prevented Pena from winning the TUF crown, it's probably the name that will come out of the house that everyone will be waiting for.

Steven Peterson : Peterson only He falls into this category while Peterson made a big hit in the second round, but he found a way to stay conscious and turn things around at last round. Peterson is not something special, but it is incredibly durable and generally gives a good show.

Gerald Meerschaert : The opening round was rather one-sided so that it does not appear that Meerschaert has anything to offer to Oskar Piechota. The second round was a completely different story as the durability and resilience of Meerschaert began to shine, finally finding the finish. Easily the best victory of the long-time career of the regional veterinarian.

ESPN: ESPN is a default winner of Fox Sports providing unbearable production quality with terrific stimulation. I'm not kidding when I say that Fox Sports is setting the bar so low for ESPN to improve things that they will be able to crawl and fans will notice a big difference. These are events like this that leave fans with the taste of the beginning of the new UFC television era

GIF makers: I have the impression that we will see a lot of gifs with Joe Giannetti and Mike Trizano reverse cowgirl position ….


Joe Giannetti: To be fair, Giannetti is a kid. He has a bit of maturity to do and will probably get out of this loss a better fighter. But he discouraged many people with his mediocre performance against Mike Trizano. He gave no indication that he really cared whether he had won or lost, acting as he deserved the victory regardless of what he was doing. did or did not do in the cage. Sorry Joe, but you're not too cool for school.

Jay Cucciniello: To be honest, no one really thought that the Brit would take the TUF title on Brad Katona. This does not mean that they did not expect a competitive contest at the very least. It was not for lack of trying, but Cucciniello could not provide it.

Barb Honchak : While Modafferi is one of the most savvy fighters on the planet, I expected that a veteran like Honchak would be more handsome than it. I do not want to blame her for her long layoff while she's been running a lively contest with Lauren Murphy last winter, but Honchak had very little to offer here. Either Father Time has caught up with Honchak or Modafferi is really good. For both, I hope it is the last one.

Richie Smullen: The less said of his loss to Pena, the better it is. So ….

John Gunther and Allen Zuniga: I love Gunther. He's a bit of a goofball. The problem is that I do not like to watch his performance in the cage. All he does is push his opponent against the cage since his disbademblies are not particularly effective. Even though everyone knows, Zuniga could not do anything to stop it. Gunther left with a win, but it's a performance no one wants to remember.

Oskar Piechota: And think that things have started well for the Polish perspective. Piechota appeared to be on the right track to make a name for himself as a promising player in a division that had a lot of talent at the top of the rankings. Then Piechota hit a wall in the second and Meerschaert capitalized. This is not the end of the world for Piechota and most were waiting for him to hit a wall at some point … but not so soon.

Fox Sports: Do they realize that their pace is so appalling that they make it impossible to find new fans? For the love of hell, the main event began after the damned event was to end. Only the sea-eating wild men are willing to sit through the ridiculous volume of commercials that they force to bear … especially those on the East Coast. I have plenty of time for a bathroom break … but only grandmother would need to use the amount of bathroom breaks provided

The TUF Franchise: All was not bad for TUF as it was announced that Robert Whittaker and Kelvin Gastelum would be the next coaches, with the hope of being able to fight for the middleweights. However, they will not maintain their interest if the tournament finals produce fights as they did here. Katona was impressive, but none of the other three finalists did anything to make the fans feel as though the tournament meant … well, no matter what. I am ready to let this franchise die and I know that I am not the only one.

Neither one nor the other

Brad Tavares: It was hard not to put Tavares in the losers column but one can not help d & # 39; admire the heart and hardness of Hawaiian. Even more crazy, despite the fact that the fight is very one-sided, Tavares has not been performing well. He was simply outclbaded by a better opponent who showed signs of being a transcendent talent. In the process, Tavares earned a crazy respect from the MMA community. A man with such respect can not be a loser.

Mike Trizano: I do not want too much bullshit about his moment since he won the TUF lightweight title, but it was an abysmal fight. Trizano impressed no one with his performance, but he won because he really did not care. Julian Marquez : Does Marquez understand that you do not need to go kill with every punch or kick? Apparently no and fans like it for that. He emerged victorious from a controversial decision that may have been enough to place him in the winners column … but he also lacked weight in BADLY. It looks like the light heavyweight is in its near future …

Rachael Ostovich : There were times when it seemed like Ostovich was taking a step back in its development, but she also had moments when she looked awesome. Yes, the finish hurts. But Ostovich's performance was lively enough that she could stand firm

Bryce Mitchell and Tyler Diamond : Maybe I'm a bit harsh on the prospects an entertaining debris. But neither one nor the other really distinguished themselves in the process and they badly needed it if they wanted to be considered more than symbolic TUF fighters on the list. Pena was the ultimate example of what they had to do. Again, their performance was not as bad as that of Gunther …

Matt Bessette : Bessette has nothing to be ashamed of. He gave a spirited performance, but he came out on the wrong side of a decision that could have gone one way or the other. Hoping that he will have another chance to win a victory in the Octagon.

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