Finally Australia will not condemn the boyfriend …


Australian authorities finally decided not to euthanize pigeon Joe, after confirming that the animal was not flying from the United States and therefore did not pose a danger to the country. The action had to be taken as its presence could threaten the biodiversity of the particular Australian ecosystem, but now it was confirmed that Joe was still Australian.

The story began on December 26, 2020, when the pigeon appeared in the Australian city of Melbourne, in front of the home of Kevin Chelli Bird, who assured in press statements that the bird wore a ring on its paw which allowed it to find its owner. The man said the owner was from Alabama and named him Joe after the new US President Joe Biden.

Based on this information, Australian government spokespersons assured that Joe crossed the Pacific Ocean on a 13,000 kilometer journey from Oregon to Melbourne. Some attributed to him having reached Australia without rest, without food or water; Others opted for a less epic version and said he did indeed fly to a ship he made the crossing on. Regardless, his story has traveled the world due to the controversial decision taken by Australian authorities to take his own life.

“If the pigeon is confirmed to come from the United States, it could pose a ‘risk’ to that country’s native bird population and poultry industry – valued at $ 2,875 million – as it could be carrier of a series of diseases, “was the warning issued by the Australian Department of Agriculture and the Environment.

However, Upon hearing the news, an American bird care organization reported that the identification on his leg was completely false. From Australia, the possibility of hiring a specialized bird hunter to end his life had been considered, a decision strongly questioned by organizations dedicated to the protection of animals in the world.

“The ID tape is fake. They don’t need to kill him.”confirmed Deone Roberts, sports development manager for the American Racing Pigeon Union.

After investigating the provenance, the Australian Department of Agriculture, responsible for national biosecurity, also admitted that the bird’s identification was false.

The institution pointed out that Messenger Joe is Australian and does not pose a threat to biodiversity in Australia, so they will leave her alone.


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