Finally, through the diplomatic channel, the Malvinas will be Argentinian


"Finally, through the diplomatic channel, the Malvinas Islands will be Argentinian.The UN statement is energetic and requires us all to negotiate"said the manager.

Aguad claimed the execution of Argentine soldiers in the conflict. "The British have never had air superiority and that speaks of the courage of our fighters, which is recognized by the British themselves.They fought against the inferior conditions against NATO"he remarked.

During the ceremony on Plaza San Martín, one of the black granite slabs was replaced by the legend "An Argentine soldier known only to God"who stayed in Darwin's cemetery for 37 years, a tombstone with the name and surname of fallen soldiers identified in recent years.

Chancellor participated in the tribute Jorge Faurie, the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Bari del Valle Sosa, alongside national officials and the authorities of the army, navy and the air force.

Earlier, the president Mauricio Macri He received a hundred veterans and family members of dead soldiers in the Residencia de Olivos, where he declared that "the claim of the Malvinas is legitimate and irrevocable".

To these tributes will be added others, especially in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Chubut, Neuquén, Santa Fe, Corrientes, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero and Catamarca.


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