Finance Guru Says What 3 Things To Invest In As He Predicts Global Catastrophe


Robert Kiyosaki, finance guru and bestselling author rich dad poor dadHe has spoken on Twitter in recent days with several controversial predictions: “ARE YOU READY? Boom, bankruptcy, mana, crash, depression. Mana in today’s markets. Prepare for the greatest crisis and depression in the history of the world. What will the Fed do? “Print more money? Save more in Bitcoin, gold and silver“, he condemned.

The guru who has more than 1.6 million followers on the bird’s social network, does not stop there. After the fall in the price of Bitcoin expressed that this is not a problem but “The real problem is that the Fed and socialists like Biden are running the country.”

And he continued with the messages against the current administration in the United States: “Paying billions to people not to work is crazy. The dollar is being destroyed. The end of the American Empire is near. Is there a war on the horizon? Our leaders are losers. May God have mercy on us ”, when he later assured that“ the number of people looking for passes to run is incredible ”.

As Bitcoin continued to fall, Kiyosaki continued to fan his theory: “Bitcoin is collapsing. Good news. Getting ready to buy more. He remembered that the problem is not Elon Musk or Bitcoin. The problems are the Fed, the Treasury and Biden. Gold, silver and Bitcoin are the solutions. Cudate “.

And he augured: “The Fed wants inflation to pay the debt with cheaper dollars. The Fed will raise interest rates, causing stocks, bonds, real estate and gold to collapse. The biggest problem is the retirement of the baby boomers. Social Security Medicare & America broke down. Fed on more fake banknotes. Keep the gold, silver and Bitcoin. “

The author of the famous bestseller said that now is the time to get on the Bitcoin train and for that you have to educate yourself. “Stop whining and take action”, prompted those who complain about not being able to access Bitcoin.

“No one is sure about the future. Keep saving gold, silver, Bitcoin. Let me know if I change my mind,” he wrote to his subscribers.

And he condemned: “The biggest bubble in the history of the world is growing. The biggest accident in the history of the world is yet to come.” He added: “The best time to prepare for a crash is before the crash. The greatest fall in the history of the world is approaching. The good news is that the best time to get rich is during an accident. The bad news is that the next one will be long. “


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