Fine Edenor and Edesur Fined $ 500 Million for Service Outages


It was decided by the regulator and the company that supplies the southern area took the worst because they applied a penalty that exceeds $ 300 million

This Friday, it was learned that the electricity distribution companies Edenor and Edesur received heavy fines totaling $ 502 million ]. on ENRE (National Authority for Regulating Electricity Entities), due to detected violations in the technical quality of the service and due to deficiencies in the attention to his customers . 19659003] ENRE performed a check from September 2017 to February of this year. As a result, it has been possible to determine that businesses will be required to repay users $ 367 million which will appear as credits on the bills of those affected by power outages.

To the $ 367 million should be added repairs that details ENRE as " Extraordinary Effects " corresponding to the period from February 2017 to August of the same year.

"On the basis of the complete tariff revision (ITR) conducted for the period 2017-2021, the ENRE has established new control procedures for the badessment of the quality of service", explained L & # 39; ;agency.

He added: a system of quality compatible with the technical and economic possibilities of the companies in order to recover the quality levels envisaged in the concession contracts ", they declared.

The obligation to pay the $ 502 million is not evenly distributed among the companies. The major fine is for Edesur who is to pay 310 million dollars . Meanwhile, Edenor was penalized with $ 192 million .

The two companies were sanctioned for violating the two zones of their activity: the technical quality of the service and commercial attention to the customers.

Edesur must pay $ 167 million for quality of service impairment while Edenor must pay $ 83 million.

As for the commercial attention Edesur has to pay 89 million dollars, against 18 million dollars from Edenor.

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