Fire at Notre-Dame: a silhouette was formed with the flames and many said they saw Jesus


A woman was the first to share her "miraculous discovery": she claimed in social networks that she had "seen Jesus" in the flames that burned Notre Dame Cathedral. Lesley Rowan, a 38-year-old Scot, said to see this image brought him "comfort".

According to the story of Rowan, the figure appeared when firefighters started to extinguish the fire. She took the opportunity to take pictures and one of them drew her attention: "God was in the picture".

The capture of flames become viral in networks (Capture: Facebook Lesley Rowan).
The capture of flames become viral in networks (Capture: Facebook Lesley Rowan).

"When I looked at this picture last night, I was very surprised by what I saw.When I look at it, I see a silhouette of Jesus, I really see a living image "explained the woman. Daily registration. The woman then withdrew her publication, but then uploaded another message, along with one of the notes on her discovery.

She was not the only one to have seen the same picture in the fire. Other users have observed the same thing and shared it on the networks.

A SILHOUETTE of Jesus Christ was spotted in the flames of the devastating hell that engulfed Notre Dame Cathedral, according to shock statements.

– OTOIDE JOSHUA MARIO (@ shaev7) April 17, 2019

Divine Appearance or Suggestion? Something similar has happened with users who claimed that a gold cross remained intact in Lady's Note for "divine work", but this claim has been refuted by scientific data.


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