Fire at Notre Dame: what will it cost to restore the cathedral – 16/04/2019


How long will it take to restore Notre Dame? Can the architectural jewel be restored as it was before the disaster? How much will it cost?

These are some of the concerns left by Monday's devastating fire in the famous Parisian cathedral.

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The figures vary according to the techniques used: traditional or new. But they will reach several hundred million euros, according to experts, and the wave of solidarity that occurred in the early hours of the fire will cover the budget.

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"This time, what will be missing is not money," said French journalist Stéphane Bern, citing the fact that there are many monuments in France that are in danger and lacking in financial resources.


The forecasts concerning the duration necessary for the restoration are very variable. "Between 10 and 20 years minimum", according to Bern.

This will depend on the badessment of damage, expertise, offers. Also preparatory work, sanitation, consolidation and drying.

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Once these steps are completed and the competent companies selected, the actual restoration of the cathedral it will be relatively fast, according to the specialists.


Unlike the cathedrals of other countries or of Strasbourg, in the east of France, which do not belong to the State, the restoration of Notre-Dame obeys the complexity of the rules of the public markets.

The selected companies have subcontractors who can in turn call on other companies and may even hire "low qualified people" in the works, according to an architect who asked for anonymity.

Some professionals consider that this state system is less safe for daily check about the conservation of a monument. On the other hand, in the case of Strasbourg, a team checks its status every day.


Who was responsible for what?

First, it will be necessary to determine the origin of the accident and its circumstances (which seems difficult) to establish the role of insurance.


The interior of the cathedral could be reopened to the public quicklysince the government and the archdiocese wanted it.

Logically, we must first check the strength of the structure.

Strong rooms

The successive thermal shocks (first fire then water) saturated the beams and the vaults were perhaps fragile. Long and thorough studies will be needed.


Restoring the original silhouette of the cathedral is not a major problem. But the magnificent armor, especially that of the choir and the nave, with its traces of history since the 12th century, they were lost forever.

This set was one of the most beautiful in France and it is a great loss for heritage, as a witness a know-how pbaded from generation to generation.

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Will the oak armor be restored exactly the same? This is the wish of many architects, although others advocate a quick rebuild with metal or cement structures.


Restoration of a needle should not be a problem: it was done in the 19th century.


Giant and complex scaffolding should be provided. And it will probably be necessary to place a giant umbrella on the cathedral for the roof to dry.

Then, the wood must be removed to avoid imbalance and the general drying phase will begin. If the vaults, which rise to 33 meters, had to be rigged, the operation with the scaffolding would be even more complex.

By Jean-Louis de la Vaissière. AFP Agency.


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