Fire at the Notre-Dame cathedral: from the hunchback to the gargoyles, the 6 curiosities of a symbol of Paris – 15/04/2019


A large fire was set off Monday night. Notre-Dame cathedral, symbol of the city of Paris and one of the most historic monuments admired for the millions of tourists who visit the French city.

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Witness of great historical facts and muse of the great Victor HugoOur Lady is surrounded by secrets and curiosities that it is worth knowing.

Scene of the hunchback of Notre Dame

Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, is a mythical figure out of Victor Hugo's imagination

Character of the novel Notre-Dame de Paris, is also the protagonist of one of the most successful musicals of Disney, based on the work of the French writer.

Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre Dame, in the Disney version.

Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre Dame, in the Disney version.

The story is that of Quasimodo, who falls in love with a Gypsy girl named Emerald.

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As long as the character never really existed, it is said that Victor Hugo was inspired by one of the sculptors who worked on one of the many renovations of the cathedral, hunchbacks.

The mystery of gargoyles

The gargoyles, these mythological creatures that unleashed the imagination in the Middle Ages, have a important functional role in the architecture of the cathedral: through a plumbing system, they are the Main roof drain. But the presence of these fabulous beings also gave rise to many fears and nocturnal legends.

Gargoyle at Notre Dame Cathedral (AFP)

Gargoyle at Notre Dame Cathedral (AFP)

One of the most popular myths says that the day Joan of Arc he was burnt at the stake, the gargoyles They came alive at duskabandoning his stone shell to avenge his death and devastate the city.

The devil's door

One of the legends more known of the magnificent monument is that of the Puerta del Diablo. Tells the story that a young locksmith, called Biscornet, was instructed to make the side door of Our Lady, which would bear the name of Santa Ana.

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overwhelmed, the craftsman invoked the devil to help him in the realization in exchange for his soul. So, a Goldsmith work impeccable that he was acclaimed and praised, giving him the status of "Master".

The work of Biscornet, at Notre Dame. Until today, nobody explains how he did it.

The work of Biscornet, at Notre Dame. Until today, nobody explains how he did it.

However, the devil did not delay in claim his part of the agreement, and started to torment him until he has his job: the young man appeared death shortly thereafter, and we say that his soul still wanders to Notre Dame.

"Point zero" of France

At the same time as a spectacular architectural work, the Notre-Dame cathedral represents the "zero point" from France and Paris.

Notre Dame, zero point of France (Wikimedia)

Notre Dame, zero point of France (Wikimedia)

In the square where the cathedral is, there is a medallion which looks like a wind rose, which mark zero kilometer from which distances are measured in the Gallic country.

Scenario of major historical events

Our Lady It is well known to be a place of importance in the history of France and Western civilization.

The cathedral of Notre Dame, symbol of France. REUTERS / Charles Platiau / Photo File

The cathedral of Notre Dame, symbol of France. REUTERS / Charles Platiau / Photo File

Inside, for example, the coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France and one of the most important characters in history, December 2, 1804.

It was also where Beatification of Joan of Arc in 1909, key figure in the hundred years war and symbol of the union of the French nation, 500 years after his fire.

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In August 1944, a special mbad in the cathedral to celebrate the liberation of paris from the Nazis, attended by General Charles De Gaulle and General Philippe Leclerc.

The French Revolution and the cult of reason

In 1793, during the French Revolution, the cathedral was dedicated to the cult of reasonand then to the worship of the Supreme Being. Meanwhile, many of the cathedral's treasures have been destroyed or looted. The twenty-eight statues of the biblical kings on the west facade, confused with the statues of the kings of France, were beheaded.

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During a moment Goddess of Liberty He replaced the Virgin Mary on several altars. The big bells of the cathedral escaped the fusion. All the other large statues of the facade, with the exception of the statue of the Virgin Mary in the cloister portal, were destroy. The cathedral served as a warehouse for store food and for other non-religious purposes.

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