Fire in Notre Dame: a short circuit in the elevators of the restoration works could cause flames


The survey that tries to find you an explanation at the fire of Notre-Dame Cathedral had a major breakthrough this Wednesday. An badumption that states that the flames could come from a result Short circuit generated by the lifts scaffolding that the workers used to restore the roof and the central needle.

"The scaffolding for the executed works was equipped with two elevators: the first one reached 24 meters from the ground and the other was used to reach the roof, to 54 meters," the portal announced. The Parisian, citing a source close to the survey. A third elevator was to be placed later to reach the needle.

In addition, they said that "some 60 firefighters are still in place, ready to intervene if the fire resumes, even if it was unlikely," said the spokesman of the fire department. fire of Paris, Gabriel Plus.

The metal structure used for the work on the historic monument "was deformed by heatFortunately, it did not collapse on the vault, but it will have to be removed, "added Mr. Plus.

The damage caused by the fire of Notre Dame. (Source: AFP).
The damage caused by the fire of Notre Dame. (Source: AFP).

"Since Tuesday, we have committed to monitoring the building and the hot spots of the structure.The building is maintained because the steeples have been saved," he said. Noting that "firefighters accompany experts who study the cathedral point by point for define what is damaged, what should be dismantled and what should be consolidated. "

The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, invited citizens and tourists to participate this Thursday in the ceremony at Plaza de l'Hotel de Ville at a ceremony in honor of "those who helped save the flames of Notre Dame ".

The ceremony will begin at 16:15 in France and 15 minutes later, Hidalgo will present two monumental plaques to "pay tribute to Our Lady and those who saved her," he said. During the activity, which will involve the ecclesiastical and political authorities, there will also be musical performances and an excerpt from the play "Notre Dame de Paris" by Victor Hugo will be read.


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