Fire smoke in the Amazon is already felt in northern Argentina


According to the National Meteorological Service, Friday evening or early Saturday morning, you would already feel in Buenos Aires.

Smoke from fires in the Amazon, as well as in Paraguay and Bolivia, affects visibility in the northern and western provinces of Argentina and would arrive in Buenos Aires on Friday, the National News Agency said. Weather Service.

"There is already a presence of smoke from the various fires of Amazonas, Bolivia and Paraguay, Formosa, Jujuy, Corrientes, Catamarca, La Rioja and North Santa Fe" said meteorologist Cindy Fernández Friday.

The expert also explained that "the north wind will bring this smoke back to the center of the country, so that it could reduce visibility in Buenos Aires today, a process that will intensify over the weekend and the future. next week".

The Amazon concentrates 52.5% of the 2019 fires in Brazil, with more than 71,000 igneous households, which has generated a wave of global repudiation, reinforced by the statement of President Jair Bolsonaro minimizing the dangers for the world. ;environment.


The Irish threat to Mercosur as a result of fires

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