Firefighters fighting fires in Bolivia drowned in the lagoon | Chronic


Three firefighters, who volunteered to help extinguish fires in the Chiquitanía region of Bolivia, drowned while swimming in a small lagoon during their day off.

"Very dismayed by the unfortunate death of three firefighters in the municipality of Concepción, day off from the work of firefighting in Chiquitanía", the Bolivian president posted, Evo Moraleson his Twitter account, in which he also expressed his condolences to the families.

Very disconcerted by the unfortunate death of three firefighters in the municipality of Concepción, day off from work of firefighting in Chiquitania. We express our solidarity and share the pain of their loved ones. #UnityInAdversity

– Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo)
September 15, 2019

The incident occurred between the cities of Santa Elena and Palestine, while the victims and a fourth companion were enjoying their day off, he reported. DPA.

David Mollinedo, Mayor of the neighboring city of Concepción, explained to the Bolivian newspaper The reason What "Apparently, one of the firefighters suffered a cramp while swimming and the other two drowned while he was trying to help him".

The remains of the firefighters are returned (Courtesy of duty).

The Chiquitanía region, located in southeastern Bolivia, is the epicenter of the wave of fires that has affected the country in recent weeks. In this Amazonian region alone, local authorities estimate that more than two million hectares have been burned.


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